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Probiotics and fermented cod liver oil/butter blend

Brittany Long

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I am currently taking these probiotics are they okay for the whole30?


And I take this fish supplement:


Are they okay to take? I really think they help me out. Especially the probiotics.


Brittany Long 

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The probiotic is a no because it contains traces of soy and milk. Although they are traces and the vendor says it will not affect persons with lactose intolerance, no amount is acceptable during a Whole30. Instead of taking a probiotic pill, you can eat live culture sauerkraut or kimchi, although that can be challenging to find in some places. My favorite sauerkraut is Bubbies. It is sold refrigerated as all live culture fermented foods are. Another alternative is 

Prescript-Assist Broad Spectrum Probiotic Prebiotic Complex (60 Caps).


Butter oil itself is similar to ghee or clarified butter - basically the milk proteins are removed, in this case with a centrifuge. That would be okay, but all the flavored stuff like the cinnamon you noted includes stevia - an added sweetener. That is not okay. Personally I cook with ghee, so I get plenty of butter oil in my diet. I supplement with fermented cod liver oil because I am going through a phase where I am not eating as much liver as I used to eat and I like getting those nutrients this way.

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