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Hutlifr, it's good to see you back! Thanks for the kind words! Just today I got a little (a LOT!) more motivation for all this; we're planning a trip to Italy!! Can hardly wait to see how good I'll feel and hope to be wearing clothes a size or two smaller than I am now!  The soup is the Golden Cauliflower Soup here: http://theclothesmakethegirl.com/2012/10/24/golden-cauliflower-soup/.  I liked it as written, but ended up adding some chicken stock I had made to thin it down a little. I love the fermented carrots and ginger; used to always have some in my fridge, but got away from it. It's easy and, after a mere five days sitting in my cabinet, I have something that is good, and good for my gut. That's a recipe from StupidEasyPaleo.  I know - DH cuts back on bread because he hear TOM ARNOLD said it had helped him lose weight!! Go figure!          Good to hear others' experience of Tiger Blood - or not. Melissa had an interesting post about this the other day. Sounds like those most likely to really feel it are all VERY active. I haven't been to the gym for over 6 months and it will probably be another 3. I miss it - and I don't. I've gotten used to being lazier and, ugh!, the idea of working out that hard again is daunting. Oh well, for now, I'm focusing on this and plan to stay the course even after next Tuesday. I feel good now, and want to feel even better (yes, and LIGHTER). Especially as long as my husband is working on losing weight, I'm going to take advantage of it! Tomorrow - Day 23.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ta da!!! Completed my first Whole 30 and plan to keep going. I didn't take any measurements or pictures before I started, but I did weigh myself. I'm 59 yr old and have a long history of "trying everything" and never losing any weight. (Yes, I know this is about SO much more than weightloss, but it really is a big piece of what MY journey is about.) I lost 8.4 pounds. 8.4 lbs!!!! One of my previous attempts was a kickboxing bootcamp; worked out like a fiend six times a week for 10 wks. I missed 4 classes over the 10 wks and tried to follow their formula of some protein and some carbohydrates at every meal; one entire day per week was designed as an "anything goes" day; eat anything you want. Well, I lost one half pound. True, I gained a lot of muscle and cardiovascular endurance, but I lost one. half. pound. In ten weeks. This was 30 days and I lost 8.4 pounds!  I couldn't be happier!

My body has slimmed some, my cellulite is less, and I have definitely put my Sugar Dragon out of business; he is withering away. I occasionally want something sweet, but that has typically been when someone near me has something that looks and smells good. When possible, I have simply removed myself from the situation, but I have not had a single bite of wheat, dairy, alcohol, or processed sugary treat during this entire 30 days. I did have a few beans, twice, while trying to dodge them in my DH's chili.

I have learned to LOVE coconut milk in my coffee and that I don't have to snack. I easily make it 5-6 hrs after my morning eggs til I get to lunch. I have not been HUNGRY even once during this. I had some headaches the first few days, and have had a FEW cravings, but I have survived it all. Wonderfully!!!

So, here's to keeping this going! I may, in a few weeks, go through some planned reintroductions, but don't feel ready for that just yet.

So, here I go, headfirst, into a WholeWhatever!!! Thank you all for your thoughts and other musings to bring success and encouragement!!!!

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So glad you got good results, way more weight loss than I did, but the most important thing I see you getting out of it is that it's something you can extend, because you realize it's not that hard to stay on program. Another advantage is for us "more mature" ladies with other prior priorities than hitting the gym every day is to know this program works, and I bet you when you try to reintroduce some stuff it won't even taste like you think it ought to. Total tastebud reset. Some love it, some don't. I learned to "spit out" food that no longer meets my tastebud's likes. A couple of months ago I was at a gelato place, and felt like it was worth to try some. Unlike anything expected, I tried a spoon, and it tasted way to sweet, and like oily. Now we talk about gelato, not ice cream... I asked to see the ingredients, and saw there was lecithin in it. Can you imagine? After more than two months of doing whole30 my taste buds detect crap like that in food! I am thrilled about this reset, and what it has done to my brain in terms of not wanting to eat some stuff anymore. Stay on your journey, you are doing great, and you will see how the pounds just keep on coming off.

Curious to know: what about DH? His results? And what he says about your success? Lol

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Hutlifr, DH lost 10-10.5 lbs in the same time. Of course, he's absolutely miserable and barely gets in 1000 calories a day. By the time I got home from work today, he had had a banana, a piece of toast, and some cottage cheese. That's it for the entire day! I couldn't do that, nor would I want to! He's retired, so can "afford" to be miserable, low energy, and unable to focus all day. I can't. I have absolutely nonstop, manic work days and could not function that way. To each his own, I guess!  He's been surprised by the amount I lost, and happy for me, and for himself. Neither of us expect me to "keep up" with his pace,  but I never dreamt it would be this good. I don't feel things changing like I had, but I'm going to trust the process. Last weekend, I added digestive enzymes; I think that's making a positive difference. (I've seen you mention them and I've always had SSLLOOWW digestion, so the changes have been welcome. Thanks!)

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