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Starting February 5!


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It could be better but I'm paying attention and making an effort. I certainly eat one serving a day. I think eating with dinner helps but I can't always face it. I don't know what Japanese sweet potato is. I'm in the UK and we can only get one type of sweet potato, the orange kind which I don't love particularly. I just bought a spiralizer and I like them spiralized (less mushy textured) so had some for breakfast. Other root veg - celeriac, carrots, parsnips, beetroot, swede etc are readily available here so am making an effort with them. I try to have some raw carrot salad with lunch every day. I guess I'm trying for starchy veg at most meals. Too much?

It's not too much if you're feeling alright. We recommend starting with one fist sized serving per day. More if you are feeling low or blue, more if you're cranky/crabby, more if you are approaching or having your period, more if you are active, less if you have a lot of weight to lose.

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Day 18 and my 17 yr old son is looking thinner. Scale is still banned but his clothes are fitting better. And my hubby has been walking around in baggy jeans and even his belt is too big now. He went to get a new pair of jeans and he is down to a 38 from a 40! Me, my bloated feeling is gone and I am feeling so much better but my clothes are not getting any looser.

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Day 18 and my 17 yr old son is looking thinner. Scale is still banned but his clothes are fitting better. And my hubby has been walking around in baggy jeans and even his belt is too big now. He went to get a new pair of jeans and he is down to a 38 from a 40! Me, my bloated feeling is gone and I am feeling so much better but my clothes are not getting any looser.

ItsTime I have been reading a few of the other forums and I have noticed consistently that they are advocating more starchy vegetables and more fat for those not seeing results.  Do you think you are eating enough of both?

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Don't get me wrong, I am feeling 100% better than before our Whole30, I'm just a bit jealous that they are seeing results while I am still just feeling results. And I attribute this to me not having to lose as much weight as they do.

With that said, I cook almost every meal with ghee or coconut oil but now that I think, sweet potatoes and potatoes have few and far between the last couple weeks. So maybe I'll up the starchy veggies and fat to see what that does.

Thanks Kirby!


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Day 29. It's been a very interesting experiment. I discovered I'm very sensitive to onions (upset stomach, gas, pain, sleeplessness). What a surprise! I never liked raw onions and never would have realized cooked onions were a problem if I hadn't cut out everything else. I also found that nuts cause my arthritis pain to flare up. I love, love, love nuts so I'm hoping if I don't eat them for another month, I might be able to sneak in a few seeds and nuts. I did lose 2 lbs which was great! I'm short, small boned and weighed 118.5 when I started. I had lost 20 lbs by counting calories before I started the Whole30 and was worried about gaining weight when not weighing myself everyday and counting calories. The hardest part for me has been my husband. He's the cook in our family and we ended up having to cook separate meals. I enjoyed being in the kitchen again and trying different recipes. We had a fight in which I pointed out I had just as much right to be in the kitchen as he did, and I had the right to eat what I wanted to eat. He did eventually adjust but he still makes digs about how "allergic" I am to "everything". So I'm allergic to almonds and sulfa drugs, lactose intolerant and sensitive to green peppers and onions and nuts. Its better to know and feel better rather than be constantly dealing with diarrhea, sleepless nights, bloating and lack of energy. I plan on continuing the Whole30 on a daily basis though I'm not going to worry about being strictly compliant when we eat out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The last week of my first Whole30 turned out to be the hardest. I really craved sugar and walking by my husbands stash of Oreo cookies was killing me. I did fine the first three weeks without any sugar so why this craving hit the last week had to be a mind thing! So by day 31 I did it. I ate two cookies. Sugar high- felt really energized and happy! So I thought "I should make a paleo dessert-it will be better for me than Oreo cookies". One chocolate chip banana cake later I feel like $&@?!!!! Throwing away that recipe! Way too addictive! Before the whole30 I had the sugar dragon under control. Just one or two fruits a day with an occasional dessert. One good thing about giving in to a binge. I feel so crappy I'm going back to feeding my sugar dragon fresh fruit instead of sugar and chocolate. I've got a Yonanas on order for desserts when we have company so I won't feel compelled to make a cake or pie.

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The last week of my first Whole30 turned out to be the hardest. I really craved sugar and walking by my husbands stash of Oreo cookies was killing me. I did fine the first three weeks without any sugar so why this craving hit the last week had to be a mind thing!

nnhhoffman, doing the Whole30 did nothing to diminish my sugar dragon, and I did not have any fruit the entire time because that beast is so strong.  My sugar cravings are always with me, and every afternoon and late evening it is a battle that so far I am winning, but know I won't always.  I just keep going an hope one day it will get easier.  just realized this is kind of a depressing post and I didn't mean for it to be, I wanted to focus on actually not having sugar the entire W30, and only twice since (by choice).

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nnhhoffman, doing the Whole30 did nothing to diminish my sugar dragon, and I did not have any fruit the entire time because that beast is so strong.  My sugar cravings are always with me, and every afternoon and late evening it is a battle that so far I am winning, but know I won't always.  I just keep going an hope one day it will get easier.  just realized this is kind of a depressing post and I didn't mean for it to be, I wanted to focus on actually not having sugar the entire W30, and only twice since (by choice).

Have you tried adding a starchy veggie to your last meal of the day? I also have a super strong sugar issue and cut fruit out in January and never put it back.  I found that the combo of no fruit + a serving of starchy veggies made a world of difference. I also found that upping the starchies the week leading up to and of my period was absolutely critical to keeping me in line.

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Have you tried adding a starchy veggie to your last meal of the day? I also have a super strong sugar issue and cut fruit out in January and never put it back.  I found that the combo of no fruit + a serving of starchy veggies made a world of difference. I also found that upping the starchies the week leading up to and of my period was absolutely critical to keeping me in line.

ladyshanny, my first week of W30 I suffered and then I added potatoes back in (organic red potatoes - my new fav) and it definitely made a difference to my satiety and blood sugar.  I thought I was eating too many so switched to only one meal a day but generally morning.  I will change that up again to evening and see if it helps.  thanks for the advise.

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ladyshanny, my first week of W30 I suffered and then I added potatoes back in (organic red potatoes - my new fav) and it definitely made a difference to my satiety and blood sugar.  I thought I was eating too many so switched to only one meal a day but generally morning.  I will change that up again to evening and see if it helps.  thanks for the advise.

I've found that having it in the morning actually contributes to that seeking behaviour.  LadyM is the one who originally turned me on to the timing issue.  Adding them to the evening meal worked great.  It kills of the sugar dragon and also eliminates that snacky seeking behaviour before bed.  Let me know how you do!  :)

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