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help! unsupportive family members!


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I'm starting tomorrow! I'm so worried because my boyfriend and I went for groceries tonight. Mine were all fresh and his were FRANKENFOODS! I tried talking him out of some of them and I told him I shouldn't be around a lot of sugars because it's tempting and he just says I need to have will power. He doesn't understand the struggle I have with weight and how dangerous these foods are especially for somebody with hoshimotos and pcos. He is one of those people who is naturally thin therefore he believes he is immune. I'm so worried that I'll crave sugars at home.

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One day at a time, one meal at a time if you have to. It's too bad he doesn't support your eating changes. Lead by example. Follow the meal template of protein, veg and fat at every meal.

Come here any time you need support.

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I have a son and husband that are not on the plan with me. I store my food in 1 cabinet and one fridge shelf. If I am not constantly staring at the junk it helps. Other than that, I made up my mind that this was more important than that food and if needed I can have it after 30 days are up.

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I too have received little support from my family.  They'll make comments from time to time that could be defined as "support" but for the most part I'm doing this all on my own.  And, frankly, so are you. 


I've found myself coming to this forum, not posting much, but reading and reading and reading.  It's been super helpful to me.  Furthermore, what also helped at the start (I'm in day 23 now) was to watch some documentaries about food.  They're easy to find on youtube or netflix.  Have your boyfriend watch them with you.  He'll be hearing the same thing you're saying but it will come from a third party and will carry more weight than "what my girlfriend says."  It may not turn him into a Whole 30 guy but it should soften his attitude a bit.


As for this forum, the people here are nice!  They're going through, pretty much, the same thing as you.  Oh sure, you may be having a "sugar pang" while someone else, such as me, is thinking that beer in the fridge looks awfully tasty.  The cool thing is that when you read someone's "carb pang" just substitute your temptation for theirs whatever that may be.  Think about how you would help them and then apply it to yourself.


And, face it, anything you do in life is truly up to you.  But at least with this challenge here you have people to turn to that get it.


Good luck!

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