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First Whole30 & in Love Already

Hannah Saro

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Started today, loving it so far. I am pretty plain & picky to begin with, so I mentioned in a previous post that I don't foresee that much of a challenge. I am used to black coffee, plain everything, no condiments/sauce etc. So I'm actually how curious if I will struggle at all. I'll be keeping track of my day-by-day recipes, choices & progress.


Day 1:



2 eggs in olive oil, salt & pepper with avocado. Blackberries & black coffee.


Small snack

Apple with raw almond butter



White tuna with salt & pepper, balsamic vinegar, avocado & sweet potato



Chicken in egg wash sautéed in olive oil, a tiny bit of sesame oil, salt & pepper. Sautéed spinach in the same mix. With sweet potato.


Water all day & Wonder Water from Wegmans ( I prefer Lemon & Blackberry)


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Preferring black coffee is definitely a plus. :)

I'll say it really helps to have a copy of the template printed out and stuck on the fridge. The basic formula is protein the size of your palm, fill the rest of the plate with veggies, thumb-size portion (or more) of fat.

If eggs are your only protein, you want to eat as many as you can hold on your hand. That's usually three, unless you are very tiny.

Also you want to fill your plate with veggies. In your breakfast, the avocado would count as your fat leaving you with no veg. And don't fear fat! Fat is your friend. :)


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Successful Day 2, with the exception of being a little more hungry than usual after lunch (I think it was caused from not eating enough protein at lunch).


Today consisted of:



3 eggs in olive oil with spinach & avocado. 

A few blackberries

Black coffee



Salad (lettuce & cucumbers) with grilled chicken, sunflower seeds & balsamic vinegar




Chicken, zucchini, summer squash in olive oil, salt, pepper, a few drops of sesame oil & egg

Sweet potato & a little bit of avocado




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Day 3



Black Coffee (of course)

Eggs with Deli Turkey & spinach




Grilled Chicken (left over from last night)

Sweet potato

1/2 Avocado



Clementine....I do not usually snack but I was starting to get a headache, and a tiny bit of sugar (natural) tends to help usually

Green tea



Turkey burger (kind of) Ground turkey with salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar, egg & garlic

Asparagus grilled with salt, pepper & onion powder

1/2 Avocado

Small sweet potato


Water all day & Wonder Water from Wegmans


Feeling pretty good so far =) 


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Day 4


Pretty good...a little thrown off with schedule today so my meals were at different times than usual, which messed me up a little bit


Had black coffee this morning when I had to be out of the house at 7am (thought I would be back at 9, but didn't get back until 10:15), so I didn't eat breakfast until about 10:30



2 eggs in olive oil with salt & pepper, spinach, a few strawberries



Small amount of watermelon


Lunch ( I wasn't hungry, but I ate anyways) not until about 3:30, I usually eat between 12-1

Salad (lettuce, 1/2 avocado, sunflower seeds & a small amount of turkey meat from last night's dinner)


Dinner (Wasn't as hungry as I expected but ate on schedule anyways) 6ish

Shrimp sautéed in olive oil, garlic, salt & pepper with zucchini & summer squash

Sweet potato



Still feeling pretty good, not as tired. Felt a little off today but I was in a rush all day & off schedule, so that may have a lot to do with it.




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