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New - COMMITTED to starting March 1


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Glad to report days  5 and 6 completed successfully. I really have had no issues staying with it. I can not believe I do not miss sweets. I never in my life thought  I would get to that point. Usually I eat junk while playing cards with friends. I had some almonds to munch on and was not tempted by the dark M&Ms and popcorn. Yippee!


I was looking at Almond Milk  - just something to add to my coffee. The listed ingredients included Gellan Gum and Locust Bean Gum. I wonder if these are allowable on Whole30?


Hope everyone is doing well!

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Today is day 6 for me.  My struggles surprise me and haven't been the foods I would have guessed.  Made a delicious shrimp scampi with steamed asparagus and couldn't even finish my salad last night for dinner.  Picked up some W30 compliant Lara Bars  but won't be consuming them every day, just emergencies.  Made Monkey salad and enjoyed the banana (I didn't realize we could have it, and that will be a weekend treat!).  


I have a question regarding balsamic vinegar...I have two  #1 is pure balsamic from Modena Italy but contains sulfites  #2 is the balsamic found in most supermarkets and is made with grape must and red wine vinegar.  Which of the two should I use?  


Missing my coffee and so I have been weaning myself off will will probably abstain for the remaining days....but for me its not just about the caffeine...I loved the whole ritual, the smell, holding the mug, the creamy/sweetness...I layed in bed this morning thinking, it's not even worth getting up....but I also realize this could be so much worse..... Happy Saturday! 

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Hi all,


This is my first time on the forum. I started my first Whole30 on March 1st and thought I'd introduce myself. Hello! The last seven days have had their ups and downs, but I feel really proud for making this choice towards a healthier and more balanced life. How has your first week gone?

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Thanks for posting Mongrel mac and tag845.


I have completed Day 7 and 8  - again without any problem. I really don't feel like I am missing out on anything. My challenge this weekend was going out of town and eating out. Anyway at the Italian restaurant I had a grilled veal chop, roasted potatoes and a salad. I wasn't even tempted to eat a piece of homemade chocolate cake. I brought my breakfast with me to my SILs house where we were staying - eggs, avocado orange and carrots - simple but filling and fine. I am sleeping well.


Glad to hear all is going well for others.


See you soon!

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Day 9  - completed. This is the first day I felt hungry. It was about 3 hours after lunch. I decided to  have some beef, olives and greens - kind of a half of a meal. Anyway - the rest of the day was fine and I was able to stay on track the rest of the day.


Tomorrow I will be packing my lunch - not a problem - turkey and roast beef for protein, asparagus and cukes, sweet potato and 1/2 a avocado.


Here's to another successful day!

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Day 8 is just about done. Woke feeling great but later in the day took 2 Advil for a dull headache I had.  After one week I am already feeling the positive effects and that is what gives me the incentive to keep it up! 

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Day 9  - completed. This is the first day I felt hungry. It was about 3 hours after lunch. I decided to  have some beef, olives and greens - kind of a half of a meal. Anyway - the rest of the day was fine and I was able to stay on track the rest of the day.


Tomorrow I will be packing my lunch - not a problem - turkey and roast beef for protein, asparagus and cukes, sweet potato and 1/2 a avocado.


Here's to another successful day!

Perfect mini meal, nice job!  :)

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kinda forgot about updating my original post, but it's so good to see everyone hanging in there! I have been W30 compliant without too much distress...........until today (day 10) I am so grumpy! But proud of myself! PS Coffee can be ingested without dairy....who knew!!!

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Kimbdoyle - good to see you. I had some grumpy days last week. I am in much better spirits this week.


Day 11 - no problems - although I am getting a bit concerned about my portion sizes. Tonight I made  " The best chicken ever" recipe - very good - not sure it lived up to the hype - however I would make it again.


See you all tomorrow!

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Day 12 and 13  successful. However the past two days I have done some eating when I really wasn't hungry and seem to be wanting something sweet or perhaps a cracker or two. I also have been feeling a bit exhausted in the AM and then seem to perk up at 10 AM. I wonder what is up with that.


Hope everyone else is doing well.

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Day 14 and 15  successful - I am a little bored with my meals so I need to mix it up a bit. We went out to eat for Sunday dinner and I did have salmon - yummy. DMIL is staying with us for 2 weeks and she is not a fish eater so I have been rotating chicken, beef and pork. I have always primarily eaten at home and cooked but I do find this process a bit labor intensive.


I do continue to feel a bit sluggish. Day 16 is supposed to be Tiger Blood - that would be nice if it would happen or at least this "weak" feeling would go away.


Sorry about the whining. The good news is that I am not having a problem sticking with this. Frankly the thoughts of eating the stuff not on this program is not even appealing. And my workout pants are a bit loose. Hmm - hopefully a bit of weight loss?


Anyway - is anyone else sluggish? Anyone have any suggestions?

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Can't believe it has been a whole week since I posted last. It's been a bit hectic - DMIL has come and gone and we rescued a 5 year old sheltie. It has encompassed moving furniture and things to accommodate our guest and then the new dog. Things are back to normal. I am proud to say I have stayed true to Whole30 through all of this. I feel very good psychologically and the sluggishness is gone. I am tired tonight but that is just because of a hectic weekend. 


Days 16- 22 complete and in the books. Eight days till completion and feeling like I can continue this.


Have a good evening all!

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