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Fresh Start! February 15th


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Hello everyone my name is Sherry and I actually have started the Whole30 as of today.  So I have completed day one without too many issues (mainly my stress trigger when doing my homework assignments before deadline).  I did not cave though!  I live a very busy lifestyle full time job, full time mommy of two boys, and full time student.  Much is on the go and easy foods at home for boys with big appetites.  I was diagnosed with Chronic gastritis in May after having some serious abdominal pain.  I was instructed to go gluten free which I did.  Staying there was a trick however as I have been on and off the gluten free diet several times.  Meanwhile I have been scheduled to see a specialist for my on going pain and they are looking into testing for celiac disease.  It is very important for me to do this as I am in need of relief from the ongoing pain and my faith in doctors to help is folding.  I am in definite need of support as I don't get much of it at home.  I have made my choice to do this public on all aspects of twitter, facebook, and instagram.  I look forward to hearing from everyone on their journey of whole foods for 30 or more days. 

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Hi Sherry, welcome and congratulations on arriving here!


There are a couple group threads with folks who have started around this time:





Feel free to join in!

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