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February 16 - Don't Think Twice


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Hi Bobbie. The first week was okay; the hardest thing for me was dairy - I was sleepy too. Feeling fantastic now. My update so far


I’ve been going for almost 2 weeks now.  As  weighing myself is out, I took some pictures on day one and then one week later – I’ll take some more tomorrow.


I can see I’m losing weight, and looking (and feeling healthier!)


More pictures tomorrow


I am travelling for four consecutive days next week; so a bit worried about that!


Week 1 (one shot holding pic from 2 years ago)




Week 2


You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community. - why the heck not?

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Johnny, glad to hear that you are having positive results so far! :)


Here is a link surrounding posting and inserting pictures, maybe it will help.  I know the the forum platform can be a bit touchy about exactly the format it will accept pictures in: http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/20858-posting-and-inserting-photos/




(Also, please censor yourself, we do not condone profanity here.....http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/6-forum-rules/)

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