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Inflammation--CRP still high post Whole30--What next?

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I'm nearing the end of my first Whole30 after a year and a half of paleo eating. I saw a number of health problems resolve or greatly reduced. (Chronic sinus headaches/infections gone, eliminated allergy meds after taking them daily for almost 50 years, less knee pain from a torn meniscus, cracked heels healed, reflux and flatulence gone, periodontal disease greatly improved, blood sugar under control, etc.) During the year and a half, I was gluten free except for one or two indulgences, mostly dairy free with small amounts of cheese once or twice a week, and refined sugar free (until I found myself slipping too often with ice cream) I don't drink coffee, have never smoked, and have alcohol once or twice a year. I was mostly grain free, with once or twice a month corn tortillas, rice pasta, or a gluten free pizza crust. I had lost 50 pounds but had reached a plateau and still need to lose at least 30 more. My inspiration to do the Whole30 was the plateau, the ice cream craving, and the fact that I gained 9 pounds on an 11 day vacation on which I tried very hard to eat clean & gluten free. I'm pretty sure I've lost that weight with the Whole 30 since my clothes are fitting better.

I had been taking a statin, and went off of it when I started Paleo. After 3 months, my dentist tested my C Reactive Protein and it was 1.9. They tested it again last week (3 weeks into my August Whole 30) and it is 5-something, almost 6! I can only assume it has been going up the past year and the low number was due to the effects of the statin and the extra fish oil I was taking. My vitamin D had also tested low, but has since tested okay with supplementation. My doctor doesn't like my cholesterol/triglyceride numbers and wants me to go back on the statin, but I'm holding out at least until the next health fair in the spring in hopes I can lose some more weight/abdominal fat and get my diet dialed in before then. (I've already lost over 12" in my waist and am wearing size 14-16)

I sleep well and am retired, without a lot of life stress, thank goodness.

Okay, so my question is...What next? Another Whole 30? Or a Whole30 without nightshades? or nightshades, nuts, and eggs? As a teenager many moons ago, I tested allergic to egg whites, plus had swelling/itching if I ate something like meringue or angel food cake, so I have always avoided egg whites, eating eggs only occasionally or in baked goods. I also know I am sensitive to green bell pepper (bloating) but have always been able to eat tomatoes, red bell pepper, green & red chiles, and spices with no apparent problem.

P.S. I know that no one posting here is a doctor and I am not interpreting any advice or suggestions to be medical advice.

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If you know that you have the allergy to egg whites and you're sensitive to the bell peppers, I'd try pulling out the eggs and nightshades and see if that doesn't help things at all.

That being said, that jump in CRP could be from anything. Did you just get over a cold/did you get one after the test? Could be from those nagging allergens that you've kept in your diet, etc.

I think that you've done VERY well with your weight loss and that you just need to stabilize for a while and let your labs settle down. I'd just keep going with what you're doing, try to minimize the nightshades and see what happens in the spring.

What's your activity level? Why don't you also go for some long walks if you aren't already doing that?

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I lost the 50 lbs from Jan. to August 2011, so my weight has been stable for a year. (at least until I took that vacation--11 days with 3 grandkids with myself as the only adult!) I'm really happy to be at a size 14/16 (down from a 22 and pushing a 24) but I still have quite a bit of belly fat...that yucky inflammation factory. I'm not so concerned with the actual number on the scale, but I want to get rid of some more fat...I'm estimating 25 or 30 lbs would be a good "next" goal, although 40 or 45 more would put me at "ideal" according to the doc. Thus the Whole30.

I have quite a bit of knee pain from a torn meniscus, but I do some walking, modified pushups, stretches, etc. I do need to add more exercise, for sure! so will make it my goal for the second Whole 30 (60?) to walk 4 days a week and increase my distance a little each week.

I did have a virus the week prior to the dentist visit. I was over it in less than 24 hours, but I suppose the elevated CRP could be partly from that. Hmmm...hadn't thought of that. Several people have told me from the symptoms I had, it could be West Nile, as lots of people get it and don't even know. Maybe I'm still fighting that, whatever it was.

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yeah, the CRP is most likely from whatever bug that was. I'd still just keep on trucking and maybe experiment with going nightshade free for a week or two to see how you feel.

I forgot about the meniscus tear, but I think your goal is definitely within your means. How's the pool on your knee? water has lower impact on joints, so something like water aerobics or swimming (if you can) could be a good addition

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I tried swimming some but it hurts the knee, and some of the water aerobics do, too. I imagine I could just do water walking and some of the arm exercises in the water...will have to see if I can get myself motivated to do that.

Since I'm not having any noticeable digestive or allergy symptoms, would it be reasonable to up the exercise, continue the basic Whole30 minus the egg whites and bell peppers, and have another CRP test in a month? I guess I could try that...I'm in this for the long haul.

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Honestly, I wouldn't go crazy with your tweaking just yet. The CRP value, on the surface, is explainable. Cutting out eggwhites and nightshades could just be making your life/food more difficult and way more boring for absolutely no reason. It certainly wouldn't hurt, but it's possibly unnecessary.

If you just want to just keep on doing the basic W30 with some more exercise and retest your CRP in a month and then decide what to do about the eggs and nightshades, then I think that's the most reasonable/scientific-methody course of action.

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Thanks, Renee. After realizing the CRP could easily have been elevated because of that virus, I'm leaning toward another Whole30, but I'll eliminate bell peppers since I know I have a sensitivity, and limit eggs and nuts as I've already been doing, but not worry yet about totally eliminating them.

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