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First time Whole 30 Experience started 2/23/15

leaner life

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Hello, this is my 1st Whole 30 experience and I would love to share feedback, successes, struggles with other people on this journey! I started 2/24/15 and I have limited support of people around me... If you're looking for support or feedback would love to hear from ya!!!!

Good luck everyone!!!


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So far so good for me... I dreamt I drank beer last night and I was worried I would have to start the program over (even thought I just started) lol... Other than that getting used to drinking my coffee black and I was starving by the time I got home last night... But, doing good overall... How are you doing???

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I miss beer too and never thought of myself as much of a drinker! crazy what you miss.  Today I am worn out but other than that good... wondering if I am eating too much fruit.  Any good ideas for lunches? I feel like I am packing lots of little tupperwares of things! Hope your day is going well!

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I know it's funny I gave up beer a while ago bc of the calories it's funny that beer was the first thing I dreamed about lol... As for lunches today I brought ground turkey, broccoli, and 1/2 sweet potatoe. Yesterday it was salad with ground turkey, bell peppers, tomatoe... Monday chicken sausage with broccoli... I'm really into prepping on Sunday but, I've been doing that for a while now! I have gotten A lot of my ideas on pinterest! I always watching vlogs on youtube and vlog myself if you're ever interested in the channel let me know! and yes I am Constantly packing Tupperware lol Hope the rest of your day is going well also!!!!! We go this!

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Good morning... Woo Hoo day 4... half way thru our first week!!!! My pleasure I just made a good breakfast I got the recipe from pinterest... 3 eggs, cinnamon, and 1/2 cup of black berries... turned out surprisingly well... So a Vlog is a video blog... So basically people do blogs about different topics and like mine is about my fitness journey but, instead of writing about it I have a video channel on youtube... (video+blog= vlog) :)

Hope you have an Awesome Thursday!!!! ;)

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End of day 4 for me and I feel like a monster! Not sickly, just irritable.  Leaner life- thanks for the explanation of a vlog-- guess if I had thought about it a little longer I might have figured that one out! Sounds like I need to get on pintrest to find these delicious recipes~ eggs, cinnamon and blackberries? yum!

Welcome to Laura Jean and Bielinc! Bielinc-- hopefully I will feel like you do tomorrow!

How are you all doing at staying off the scale? This is really difficult for me!

Hope you all had great days!

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Day 4 in the books... welcome to our two new people :) yes, I would highly recommend pinterest so many great boards with recipes! I can't wait till my pants feel loser... the don't feel tight but I'm ready for the top feel loose... I've been on a plateau forever as well.... I'm hoping this challenge will help and then slowly reintroduce foods to find the culprit :) well the biggest struggle for me is coming up The Weekend!!!! Best of luck everyone for another successful day. We can do it

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I started this week as well.  As it turns out I got the flu.  It was pretty easy to stay compliant when I could only eat chicken soup and scrambled egg for 3 days!    Yesterday I felt great!    This morning I feel like I've been hit by a truck -  no energy, ache all over.


I'm hoping if I just can hold out til Monday that things will even out a but

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I'm on day seven and I started my morning thinking back on a raw foods coming class I did and started daydreaming of what whole food trays I can make... my boyfriend blended fruit and coconut milk together and made popsicles... really good!!! Our chop up some apples cook on stove top with cinnamon and water... tasty!!!

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Day seven in the books for me here on the east coast, how is your Sunday going leaner life? Sounds like you are making it through your first weekend-- great job!

Bielinc-- hope you made it through the sweet craving~ after a week you know you CAN do it!

So glad that week one is down.  Still struggling with staying off the scale but am trying!

Happy Monday to everyone!

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Happy Monday Everyone!!!! the beginning of week 2.... Just realized I never introduced myself so Hello I'm Nicole writing you from Portland, OR (area). Week 2 is starting off good but, Hungry... I think I struggle most trying not to snack. I was very hard wired with eating every 2 hours but, other than that feeling good! I jogged 7 mi on Sat and with less energy that was ROUGH but, I learned my lesson and will incorporate sweet potatoes into my pre-workout for a long run!

wt622 hope you're feeling strong your week 2 ... I admit I've cheated once during this process and it was to weigh myself. I did it once (it looked good) but, I won't do it again! I know the scale isn't a true way to measure health but, I did cave... back to no scale for me!

Dorriel, Bielinc, and Laura Jean hope you're all still doing well!!!! Week 2 we got this  

:ph34r:  :ph34r:  B)  B)  :P  :P   

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Happy Monday Everyone!!!! the beginning of week 2.... Just realized I never introduced myself so Hello I'm Nicole writing you from Portland, OR (area). Week 2 is starting off good but, Hungry... I think I struggle most trying not to snack. I was very hard wired with eating every 2 hours but, other than that feeling good! 

Hey, we definitely don't want you going hungry on Whole30, we're very much opposed to hunger, actually!  ;)  


Try tweaking your meals so that you are getting a run of 4-5 hours in between.  Have you seen our meal template (linked below).  You can use and tweak this until you get to the point where you are not hungry between your meals.  


You may notice a difference in your athletic performance as you carry through with Whole30 and convert from a sugar burner to being fat adapted.  Our recommendation for PRE workout is fat and protein and our recommendation for post workout is lean protein and carbohydrates.  If you are eating correctly in your meals, your glycogen stores should already be full and therefore you should not need a carb before you exercise.  Then, afterwards, you fill that glycogen store back up with the starchy veggie.  


You might find some value in checking out our Whole30 for Athletes section of the forum.

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ladyShanny thank you so much for the suggestions... I have been reviewing the links for athletes and I will definitely try to incorporate some of the suggestions so I find the right mix for my body before my race on 3/15/15.... Thanks for looking out for us  :D

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Day 9 down and on to double digits! Hope everyone is doing well-- Leaner Life, I'm impressed you have the energy to run anywhere, much less 7 miles!  I have been exhausted and am definitely waiting for that more energy and sleep part to kick in... Hope your weekend went well...

Dorriel, hope you're feeling better- the flu has been brutal this year--


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Good morning Dorriel... Yea day 10 baby 1/3 of the way there! Woo hoo... This weekend will be my big challenge b/c I have a birthday party at a restaurant and I leave for a business trip. I'm researching already what I can order and food I can bring... I will do this! We will do this! As for energy yes I was concerned when I started b/c I work out 5 days a week and I'm training for my1st 15k and I've never run in my life but, I'm feeling good. I've been on a fitness journey for a few years so the transition wasn't too hard core which has helped. I know if you keep pushing you will start feeling better and then you'll feel GREAT!!!! It's so worth it... any big challenges for you on the horizon?

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Hi everyone!

I'm starting on 23rd March (1.5 weeks away) I'm giving myself that time to prepare and plan!

My name is Kate, I'm a mummy of 3, sadly however my middle child is now an angel baby. I gained a lot of weight with my 2nd pregnancy, which was compounded when he passed away at 5 weeks old. I formed a lot of bad eating habits during this period, then fell pregnant with my now 7 month old and gained more weight and haven't addressed my unhealthy lifestyle properly until now!! I am looking at changing my entire lifestyle and transitioning my kids into paleo as my youngest has a lot of allergies and intolerances! I am hoping to lose weight, gain energy and REGAIN MY SELF BACK!!!! I am super super excited, so I hope you don't mind if I follow along until my start date to keep me motivated!!

It sounds like you are all doing amazingly so keep up the awesome work!

(Sorry that turned into a bit of an essay about my life!!)

Hope you all have an awesome day (for me it's almost midnight here in Australia, so I guess I should get to bed.

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Leaner Life--Day 11!! Woot woot!  I am anxious to hear how your birthday party and trip go and the tips I am sure you will have! I know you will do great...Hope you get to go someplace exciting and new. I have a trip at the end of the month (after the 30 days) and don't want to end eating like this because I don't want to give up the progress that I am making in feeling better~


Kate, WELCOME! So happy to meet you and know you will be joining us on this journey...

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Hello Kate, welcome to our little group J I am sorry to hear about your loss I suffered 2 miscarriages last year so I can relate about wanting to get back to myself and start Healthy lifestyle choices for myself and future family! I hope your experience brings health and fitness to you and your family!!!


Wt622: Day 12 Oh yeaaaa!!! Feeling good looking forward to trying some more carbs this weekend (sweet potatoes) to help with my 8 mi run this Saturday hoping that will help! I can’t believe my race is in 2 weeks (eekkk). Yes, I’m already in the planning stage to be successful for this weekend/week trip. Thank you for the support and encouragement. I agree with you I’m feeling great, my body feels good, clothes feel a bit looser I’m not sure what i’ll be doing at the end of the 30 days because I’m not sure what if anything I want to bring back into my eating… We’ll have to reflect when we get closer to the end…  Keep it up!!! We can do this      :D 

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Hello!  My name is Patty and I'm going for the support-angle also!!  I live alone, except for a weiner-dog!  Today is Day #7 for me!!  I went into this rather blindly, my personal trainer challenged me....something about me shooting off my mouth about wanting to be challenged and didn't think I could go a couple of weeks without zero beer or wine...he suggested this, I read the rules and the program and in 48 hours decided to start the program!  I work full-time and gone from home at least 50 hours a week and I've realized that the key to success is going to be MEAL PREPARATION FOR A WEEK!  For the most part, I maintain a good diet (minus the beer/wine!) and I work-out regularly and have for most of my life (in my 50's, but look much younger in person, lol!!) but the tough part for me is the loss of complex carbs and MY MORNING BOWL OF STEEL-CUT OATMEAL WITH BROWN SUGAR AND YOGURT....AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!  I have made it through two restaurant occasions and was not even tempted when others were eating the warm baked bread and butter, Bailey's and coffee, french fries and calamari....but things are starting to get to me a tad.  I may start gnawing on the wood around my desk soon.


I look in my frig and all I see are veggies, veggies, spaghetti squash, veggies, fruit, veggies, chicken strips, veggies....WAH!!  I made a most excellent spaghetti sauce with turkey sausage and lots of veggies - plan on making zuccini noodles this weekend for my chicken noodle soup - but miss snacking.  Have made sweet potato chips but I need to make larger portions.  Not really a red meat eater, made an organic beef patty, but it made me feel nauseated for 24 hours so leaving that alone.   I really miss grains the most...orzo and barley, too.  Ok, thanks for letting me whine.  I'm very committed, motivated and determined.  Just a little tired and missing some energy.  Can't find TessaMae's S'West Ranch either.  Called Whole Foods, they said they had it, went there and Nope, not there.  REALLY?? 


One thing I can say is that I am hypoglycemic, have been my entire life and I spend the better part of my day grazing, eating small portions and meal.  It's truly an eye-opener to read each and every label and see that sugar in some form is in almost everything these days, even vitamins??  I find that I'm much hungrier between meals, trying to snack on veggies and fruits, sweet potatoes, but only seems to stop the pangs only for a short time.   This too shall pass and I'll be fine....going to hopefully make my own mayo and spinach-artichoke dip this weekend.  Thanks for listening!

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