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First time Whole 30 Experience started 2/23/15

leaner life

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Welcome Patty, hope your hunger is getting better, can't wait to hear how the mayo turns out-- I do miss chicken salad, it was always my go-to lunch. 

Kate, are you getting excited or anxious as the date draws closer? You can do this!

Day 13 begins for me, a challenging weekend.  Easier for me last weekend when my husband was working but this weekend he is off. Hopefully some added daylight with the time change will allow some more hours for me to get out on the track.  Leaner Life, how did the run go this morning? 8 miles! woohoo, that is awesome.  Hope your business trip is going well... stay strong!!! Almost halfway there! We got this!

Happy weekend everyone! :)

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Day 14...I've got this.. Have looked up some great recipes on non nom Paleo that tast great. Crab cakes and coleslaw for dinner last night. Great! Two of my work colleagues asked me last week what I was doing because they noticed the difference and now they are doing it. My sugar demons are really bad though...may need need to do a whole 60...I must be getting better though if I sm contemplating a whole 60 if I wasn't even sure i could do a whole 30!

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Patecakes -


I used to graze too -  like you, and I was a carb- addict.   I am trying very hard NOT to eat much between meals.  I'm also in my  mid 50s and I run (half and full marathons) and work out.   Its took some struggle but my snacking is way down.  The key for me was eating enough fat and protein with my meals, especially breakfast.  The breakfast that holds me best for the day is 2-3 eggs (sometimes with a bit of homemade turkey sausage or compliant smoked salmon), at least a cup of veggies -  spinach or kale, peppers etc, a small sweet potato and some avocado. On days when I eat all of that in the am, the rest of the day goes much smoother and I can make it close to 5 hours without a snack. 


Its been hard for me to get over my fear of cholesterol and eat enough egg to make a serving

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Day 16....usually the time change messes me up for days...shot out of bed today at 5 am without hesitation and I feel so energetic! Getting ME Back can't wait for you to start...you are going to love this! Pattecakes your not whining you are commiserating...I work full time too and travel quite a bit but the gods have smiled down on me as my trip to India this week got cancelled (I had a plan for how I was going to do thistle 10 days I was going to be there but better that I don't have to worry about one more thing). Leaner life I'm with you...initially I was planning all the forbidden things I was going to eat on day 31 now I'm thinking why would I want to go back to "that feeling" Thanks everyone for the encouragement and support

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Reading comments like these are what makes me so excited!! I know it will be a challenge at first, but hearing people say they finish the 30 days and don't want to give it up really inspires me!! It just goes to show the hard work pays off!

You are all doing so well, thank you for inspiring me each day!

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hello everyone: Wt622, Bielinc, Getting me back, Dorriel, Pattecakes... I am finally back from my business trip I was in a remote area so I wasn't able to log in and post on the feed but, thru my phone I was able to read some of your posts and it kept me going! My first trip was a Challenge... Not b/c I wanted to go off plan but, because it felt like EVERYONE cooks EVERYTHING in butter! I brought snacks and foods but, we stopped at a couple restaurants and at one I ordered a steak with veggies and the plate arrived with a sauce all over the steak (not mentioned in the menu) and the waiter says, "oh it's our delicious butter garlic sauce"... kill me now! I sent it back advising I had a dairy aversion and they actually had to reflame the veggies b/c they were cooked in butter as well. On our last leg of the trip home my b/f found a vegetarian "raw" food restaurant and it was a LIFE saver and SOOO good. Wish it was closer.

I'm so happy to read everyone has been doing well and YES I still struggle with wanting to snack... in fact I still do snack on some nuts or a piece of fruit if I'm getting too hungry... Eating bigger breakfast and getting in that healthy fat will help! I felt like I've been eating too much fruit which is higher in sugar? anyone noticing that? I eat more fruit now then I did before starting this program... Other than that feeling great! Excited and nervous for my race this weekend... Getting ready to have that accomplishment completed and behind me LOL and definitely looking at how to keep this lifestyle going after the 30 days is over... More than half way thru WOOOO HOOO go us!!!!!       

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Glad to hear your trip went well, great work on making the best choices available, I can imagine it was difficult not cooking it yourself and knowing exactly what was in it!

I'm on my countdown to starting and can't wait still! I ate something naughty today and I am paying for it. I am paying much closer attention to how my body feels after certain foods in preparation and so I can compare after the whole 30, and it's very interesting to say the least!

Is it strange that I am excited to go grocery shopping on the weekend to stock up on all the good stuff??? I am just so keen to see the differences with my body! Especially the more I read! I don't think I have read 1 person say hey don't want to keep going once they finish the 30 days!!

Keep up the awesome work guys!! Your all my inspiration and can't wait to hear more!

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Hello everyone, 

So  glad to read that everyone is doing so well! I have been out of commission with a nasty cold but have stuck to whole30.  Day 18- hard to believe!

Leaner Life, impressive trip! I am glad to hear it can be done. Spring break with my family right after the 30 days will be a huge challenge, as I will not be preparing my own food or able to shop around (cruise) but I am just going to do the best I can and hop back on board with my second 30 when I return. I am thinking I will order everything plain, and if some foods are not cooked 100% whole30 I am not going to stress too much.  Surely there will be lots of fresh fruit!  Hope you are ready for your big race... will be thinking of you and hope it goes well...  Please let us know!

Getting ME back, I have to say your excitement inspires me!  I look forward to hearing about your start!

Bielinc, Pattecakes and Dorriel~ keep up the great work! it is hard to cut out the snacking, I agree. Especially during times of stress, which is a lot for me! 

Anyway, keep up the good work everyone! Thanks for your inspiring words and enthusiasm, it is hard to go it alone but having you all here is awesome!

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 I felt like I've been eating too much fruit which is higher in sugar? anyone noticing that? I eat more fruit now then I did before starting this program


Happens to a lot of people.  Rules of thumb: keep to 1-2 servings a day, eat it with a meal not as a snack, don't let it push veggies off your plate.

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Day 1 is done and dusted!!! Feeling really motivated!

Night times are my danger time now that I've got the kids to sleep and hubby has gone back to work for a few days! But I am keeping strong!

Bring on day 2!!!!

Bielinc, I love that link, I'm sure I will relate a lot more in another 29 days haha!!

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Helllooooo group!!!! it has been soooo busy my apologies for not getting back and saying thank you for the support on the race... It went GREAT... hard as hell but, great... I fueled up right and didn't feel sick after! Stayed on plan before, during, and after!!!!! Going strong day 25 Woot Woot!  

Getting ME Back congratulations on your 1st day get ready for a ride :)

Bielinc that vlog was COMEDY and I could totally relate to ummmmm... all of it!

wt622 Hope all is good with you... We're in the HOME strectch Ya'll and I can see the Finish line!!!! let's finish strong!!!!!

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It's very quiet in here, I hope everyone is still doing well and keeping focused!

Tomorrow will mark the end of my first week and I am feeling so proud and motivated. I haven't gone off track at all and am loving my meals! I thought I would be craving my comfort foods (pizza, lollies and bread), but surprisingly I have not wanted them at all! Even when grocery shopping, I'm not having the thoughts of 'oh I wish I could have that'! This is shocking to me to be honest! Not sure if it's because I am just so ready to feel healthy and sexy again or if it is the affect of eating clean and detoxing my body! Either way, I'm loving it!

I have kept my meals very simple but love coconut aminos for stirfrys and avocado and cashews as my source of fat! My daughter even said to me tonight 'those veges you cook for all your meals always smell so good'. I asked if she wanted to try them, which she declined, however he did request avocado with her steak tonight which is a breakthrough! She HATES all veges and eats only a few types of fruit, so any small step is a huge thing for us! She's the type of child that will fight for hours not to try something on her plate and always has been! Even as a baby she hated vege baby food!! I will keep on at it with her as I will be transitioning the kids to paleo after Easter, which she's aware of!

Anyways, I hope everyone is fabulous and feeling healthy!

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Great job everyone!

Getting ME back, I can't wait to hear how transitioning the kids to paleo goes, my teenagers would probably move out! I try and sneak veggies in whenever and wherever but they are def. not good veggie eaters.   Way to go on your first week! I am with you that I am not missing too many things. Some days are harder than others. To be honest, it depends on what the others around me are eating!

Leaner life- Way to go on the race! you should be so proud of yourself! That is a huge accomplishment.  Home stretch for us-- are you going a second30?  Day 27 woot! woot!

Great job everyone!

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Hi Everyone

Day 29 for me. Went to a St. Patrick's day party and ate before I went and drank seltzer and lime. No way I was blowing it on day 28! Getting Me Back you are doing great!!!! Leaner life way to go on your race! wT622 I have my 14 year old doing Paleo as he wants to drop weight and be faster for lacrosse...but I agreeceith you my three other boys would move out. Did not need to see in Facebook that they are making bacon cream Oreos for a limited time! My husband had to quit his Whoke 30 on day 28 as he has a colonoscopy coming up Tuesday...no raw fruit or veggies for 5 days before. So he was so excited uo have a vanilla diet coke and said he felt awful afterwards...I can only hope that I react poorly to sugar when I reintroduce it or it will be VERY tough for me to stay away from it. I did place orders today though at tessame and stevespsleogoods in the hopes I can make this a semi-permanent change! Finish strong ladies...we got this!!!!

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