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kirkor last won the day on January 5 2018

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    San Diego

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  1. Nah, that's the beauty of the "clean slate" that's created after 30 days of elimination. You aren't automatically going to have a negative reaction just because you've avoided something for 30 days. It carageenan makes you itchy, or soy makes your fingernails hurt, that's going to be a specific thing you're going to want to take note of. We can all "get used to" stuff and have a "new normal" --- that's why people who move from Oregon to Nevada all of a sudden report stuff like "holy crap, I can breathe better!" If they just lived in Nevada for 30 days, then moved back to Oregon, well, sure, after 30 days in Oregon they probably wouldn't be conscious of the fact that their sinuses are all clogged up from mildew and whatever, but that doesn't mean Oregon is a friend to them.
  2. They were written at different times, the program evolves, the creators are only human, neither schedule is written in stone, both are just examples to give people an idea of how to proceed, etc etc.
  3. Be sure to take the time to acknowledge your accomplishment thus far. Give yourself the victory, so to speak.
  4. My understanding is that the order *does* matter, because the order is from least- to most-likely to cause issues.
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