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HELP! Crazy Cravings on Day 6

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Today is my Day 6 on the program & it's also my first day off work since starting. I have eaten breakfast & lunch and now.... I want to eat everything! I want frozen yogurt & treats & pretty much anything. I basically just want to stuff my face. I have been doing really well & staying very strong and really thought I was on the right track... Is this because of where I am in the program? Or because I don't have anything to distract me? HELP! Please, I don't want to give in. Thanks!

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I would say it is a combination of where you are + your environment. You mentioned this is your first day off, so it is a new experience within your whole 30. You are going to be fine! Relax. Brew a cup of tea and just breathe. You can do this. Stay away from the fridge! :)

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I know just how you feel. I find myself looking in the fridge repeatedly (and there's really not that much in there) and I feel like I want to eat, eat, eat! But I know that afterwards I would feel so disappointed! Usually I try to drink a lot of water, go for a walk or exercise, drink flavorful tea, anything that causes me to slow down and think calmly about my goals. You can totally do this!!

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