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Beginning a NEW Life! breaking free from the Sourthern food lifestyle!


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Today I am feeling out of sorts and I have such mixed feelings about everything. This afternoon has been the hardest so far and I am sitting here eating a bag of cut up veggies. I feel a bit like I have given into a habit I am trying to break so I am feeling disappointed in myself. I am not worries about the food it's the habit that is the issue. I am not going to give up! I can already tell that this program is changing me!

How is it going for you?

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Today I am feeling out of sorts and I have such mixed feelings about everything. This afternoon has been the hardest so far and I am sitting here eating a bag of cut up veggies. I feel a bit like I have given into a habit I am trying to break so I am feeling disappointed in myself. I am not worries about the food it's the habit that is the issue. I am not going to give up! I can already tell that this program is changing me!

How is it going for you?

Once you recognize it for what it is, take a breath and choose to make a change.  Put the baggie of veggies down and assess whether or not you are actually hungry or if you need something else (a break, some fresh air, some water, a hug, a nap, whatever).  There's nothing to say that once you start noshing on a "snack" that you have to keep going until the bag is empty.  Change takes practice!  :)

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