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Started Whole30 on 2/24


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Today is day 4 for me and so far I couldn't be happier!!! It actually feels like a relief to give up sugar. I have been battling this addiction for most of my life and just didn't know how I was going to get over it. It never occurred to me to give it up completely even though I knew it was what was derailing all of my get healthy/dieting efforts! when I decided to take on this challenge I already had all the right foods in my refrigerator. It is my very poor snacking habits and night eating that has been causing me to gain weight.

I am hoping to move my entire family towards this way of eating. Although my kids don't have weight issues I see their same reliance on sugar and snacks that I have. i want to teach them healthier habits for their life. I can see them headed for weight issues in their future if they continue to crave the snacks. Fortunately, they love fruit and vegetables as much as the bad snacks!!!

Right now I am doing great because I am in a bubble in my house and making food prep a priority. Next weekend we are going away and I am terrified of eating out. I have one meal that will be part of an event so I am trying to work out a plan for that right now. One idea I had was to call the event ahead of time and request a grilled chicken breast, steamed veggies and baked potatoe. My daughter has a dairy allergy so I would have to do this anyway if she were coming with us, I am also planning to bring lots of avocados, tuna, nuts, olives, etc. Suggestions and tips on how to handle this would be appreciated!

This seems likes a great place for support! Looking forward to getting to know everyone!

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One trick to manage eating at an event where you cannot control what food is available or how it is cooked is to eat before you go. Then, if the food is on-plan and you like it, you can eat like everybody else. You might not eat everything, but you can eat some. And if the food is not on-plan, you can drink water, visit, and move your food around on your plate without being HUNGRY. I think it is always better to walk into an unknown situation with food in your belly so that you are less tempted to make decisions you would regret later. 

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