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Not Ready To Stop


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Today is my day 30 of my first Whole30 and I don't feel ready to stop.  I don't think I've lost much weight, but will get on the scale for the first time in a month tomorrow morning. What I love most about this program is that I feel the freedom to say NO to things that I used to crave. I won't be starting my re-introduction tomorrow, instead I'll be continuing on what will be at least my Whole60.  Has anyone felt this way and decided to keep going?

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This is a fairly common end reaction and it's the reason that the Slow Roll Reintroduction was written. If there is nothing at this moment you feel like reintroducing, then don't. When something comes up that you desire, do your reintro for that item right then.

There is immense value in doing the reintro, even if you never think you'll want to eat those foods again. You have a completely clean slate right now and it's one of the rare times in life that you'll get to assess exactly how foods make you feel......so that you can make really informed choices down the road.


PS. Congrats on getting through your 30 days successfully!!!

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