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Getting ready for reintro.


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Today is day 28 of my W30 and I'm trying to plan the reintroduction for my husband, my son and myself. Being on the w30, I have been able to identify some suspicious foods that are compliant, but don't seem to agree with me. Has anyone else experienced this? We are planning to reintro. raw milk first and separately from the rest of dairy, to be sure if there is a problem, we know for sure its the milk protein. In the book it says, when having dairy to go ahead and have ice cream. What we're all wondering is, do we reintro sugar and alcohol separately, or as an additive to another food. I hope this makes sense. 


Also, if it turns out that dairy is ok for us, can we continue to have it through the rest of the reintro and also in the next w30?

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When you reintro a food group, the protocol calls for you to not have it again until you finish all your reintros. This approach allows for a clean test of all reintros.

Having dairy on a Whole30 makes what you're doing not a Whole30: that's doing your own thing at that point.

Give alcohol its own reintro day: I usually recommend 1-2 drinks.

Sugar doesn't need its own reintro day. Melissa explains why here:http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/11298-day-31-re-intro-email-sugar-not-listed/#entry115489

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Being on the w30, I have been able to identify some suspicious foods that are compliant, but don't seem to agree with me.


Yes, I found the same things.  You might want to look at the lists for the autoimmune protocol, FODMAPs, and histamines, to see if there are common threads.  Sometimes there are, sometimes (as for me) there aren't.  I did already know that broccoli makes my stomach hurt about as badly as dairy does, and I'm lactose intolerant so that's really not much fun.  I have no idea why it does that, but there are a few people around with similar experiences.


Autoimmune:  http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-shopping-list-AIP.pdf


FODMAP:  http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-shopping-list-FODMAP.pdf(broccoli is on this list, but so are a whole bunch of foods that make my body happy, so apparently it's just the broccoli)


Histamine:  http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-shopping-list-histamine.pdf


Hope this helps!


ThyPeace, notes that she discovered that corn is a food sensitivity in this last Whole30.  Or at least cornmeal -- haven't tried fresh corn nor popcorn yet.

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