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Starting March

Audrey Kimbrell

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I will be starting the Whole 30 on a Monday.  May be a great idea or a really bad one haha.  I am doing whole 30 to take my training to the next level and to cut off my addiction to sugar.  Its BAD and I am sick of always craving sweets.  Taking back control over what I put in my body!

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I will be starting the Whole 30 on a Monday.  May be a great idea or a really bad one haha.  I am doing whole 30 to take my training to the next level and to cut off my addiction to sugar.  Its BAD and I am sick of always craving sweets.  Taking back control over what I put in my body!

Have you decided *which* Monday - that will be a good start.....  :D 

Get focussed & get food prepping & stick with the meal templates & you'll do grand - Best of luck!  :)

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Im going to start tomorrow, March 15.  This will be my second Whole30- well I actually followed it strict for 45 days.  For whatever reason, I migrated back to bad eating over time.


Sunday food prep for the week is what helped me the most. 


Good Luck!! Its a fantastic program!

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