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How to make a blog?


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I noticed there was a member with a blog(not even sure how I got to this person's blog) where she blogged her menu each day and her general feelings and occasionally people would comment or answer her questions but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do the same.  Where is this personal blog option?  thank you

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If you go to the front page of the forum at http://forum.whole9life.com/and look down to the community section, there is a subsection named "Your Whole30 Log." You can go in that section and start your own Whole30 Log where we encourage you to keep a record of what you are eating and any other information like exercise, mood, etc. that you want to maintain. Maintaining a log helps us troubleshoot problems you might have during your Whole30. 


If you are really looking for how to start a blog - basically your own website - we don't offer that here. Some participants start blogs on their own and then share links here. 

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hat was the exact answer I needed- off to start logging my food- cause I have a feeling I will need to trouble shoot- I'm more than half way thru and...... I think I am enjoying something too much cause my pants feel the same as they did before I started.

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