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First Whole 30


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After 4 weeks of l learning ands practicing paleo I started my first whole 30 March 9th. Going well I really think those pre 4 weeks helped a lot. Considering extending to 45 days. Hoping to get a lot of advise and support here so thanks in advance.

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That's how I found out about the whole 30 actually, I became Paleo first. But in fairness the real change only occurred when I did the whole 30. However, having those few weeks of being Paleo really did help. Good luck.

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That's how I found out about the whole 30 actually, I became Paleo first. But in fairness the real change only occurred when I did the whole 30. However, having those few weeks of being Paleo really did help. Good luck.

I am so glad to see that you and MBC have been members for months and are still here and active and offering support! Happy St. Paddy's Day! 

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Yesterday was Day 1 for me! I get encouragement from hearing that at day 8 (9 now) that you are doing well and loving it! Yesterday was a great day for me - the only pang I had was last night after supper, I had a little panicky feeling that there would not be a little something sweet to cap off the meal. My husband and I usually eat dessert on the couch and watch some favorite tv show before bed! I had a little cup of ginger tea and as promised the moment passed, I got to click "I did it" on my Whole30 Daily email and of course I woke up feeling proud and successful this morning! I like to read how people are doing so i hope all of you will post often.

Have a good day! 

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Hi CarolBuchwald,

Yes I have been a member but was quiet for a good while, I couldn't seem to post anything at Christmas time, there was some tech glitch. Until yesterday the same thing happened and I copped on eventually that every time I used a smiley cartoony face thingy it refused to post!! Don't know why I didn't think of this at Christmas time!! My first whole 30 was in August/ September last year and this forum was a great help.

Just keep on keeping on! You will get there and the sense of achievement is fab. Good luck and if you are ever having that touch and go moment just log on here! It will keep you keeping on!! :-) :-) :-)

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I am feeling better and better! I have been almost exactly having days as predicted by the timeline! Day 3 was the worst! The only time it feels hard is at night! I still am craving something sweet after supper! I have always had a big sweet tooth! Thanks for asking! I would post a happy face but after your story I don't dare!!!

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