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Day 1 Newbie, Mar-22, A little unclear about daily meal plan


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Hi, Starting today and would appreciate any helpful suggestions. Was very successful on low carb years ago but somehow stress, bad habits and excuses changed my eating habits. Now here I am 10 years later wanting so much to have those feelings of health and energy from that time in my life. Feeling hopeful that this will be the key to unlock a healthier me and also help my family through my changes. Is this Paleo-esque generally? 

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Whole30 is sort of a strict version of Paleo, although it is less focused on eating like Paleolithic man and more focused on eating the healthiest way we as modern humans can eat. You should probably read the rules and the Can I Have list before you get started. You'll probably also find the meal template helpful, and there are shopping lists and other helpful downloads here.


If you really want to know why the rules are what they are, you might want to check out the book It Starts With Food.


One important thing to remember is that Whole30 is not necessarily low carb -- you're allowed to have starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, winter squashes, and root vegetables, and you can have fruit as well, although it's recommended to limit fruit to 1-2 servings per day, with meals. Many people feel better if they have at least one serving of starchy vegetables a day, and very active people, people prone to depression or anxiety, and pregnant or nursing women often benefit from having more than one serving per day.

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