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First Day of Whole30!


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My fiancé and I unofficially began Whole30 a couple of days ago. It unofficial because we polished off a six pack of Roling Rock and few pieces of sea salt caramel chocolates, as if it were Fat Tuesday.

We've been pescetarian for close to a year an half now and realized that we were one step closer to a paleo diet without knowing it. We decided to give Whole30 a try and cut out processed foods altogther and see what results are by day 30.

We look forward to a positive experience and explore the forums for tis and ideas.


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After a hearty breakfast:

2/3 - salad with carrots and broccoli

1 small turkey ball (sautéed tomatoes and onions)

2 over medium eggs (coconut oil)

Closed fist of cashews

3 blackberrys, 1 strawberry, and 1/4 orange

I felt pretty filled up till lunch.

Lunch consisted of:

3 small turkey balls (sautéed tomatoes and onions)

Hearty salad with broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, tomatoes, avocado, and cashews

Strawberries, blackberries, and oranges

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