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hello, from Day 28


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I'm late introducing myself as I am on Day 28. I've come here a few times looking for answers during these past few weeks and I always find them. I'm so happy to find such a supportive environment.

I am a 50 year old who began a weight loss journey in 2013. I lost 74lbs by cutting processed foods and using the Weight Watchers plan. I began watching my sugar in take during the original weight loss too. The real struggle has been maintaining the loss. I found myself not feeling well after high carb breakfasts, eating too many Kashi bars and sincerely struggling with food. I made the connection to food and how it made me feel, I just didn't know which foods affected me so adversely. I binge on fruit and nuts. Most people don't understand how that is NOT healthy.

My health is important to me at this point in my life and finding this plan has opened up a new door in my journey. I'm eating better than I ever have in my life. I'm weaning myself from measuring food and learning to listen to my inner cues. I'm in love with this way of life.

At Day 28, I am looking forward to cutting the Larabars, RXBars, nuts and dried fruit I've become dependent on.

Thank you!

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I'm late introducing myself as I am on Day 28. I've come here a few times looking for answers during these past few weeks and I always find them. I'm so happy to find such a supportive environment.

I am a 50 year old who began a weight loss journey in 2013. I lost 74lbs by cutting processed foods and using the Weight Watchers plan. I began watching my sugar in take during the original weight loss too. The real struggle has been maintaining the loss. I found myself not feeling well after high carb breakfasts, eating too many Kashi bars and sincerely struggling with food. I made the connection to food and how it made me feel, I just didn't know which foods affected me so adversely. I binge on fruit and nuts. Most people don't understand how that is NOT healthy.


Understood and appreciated. 

My health is important to me at this point in my life and finding this plan has opened up a new door in my journey. I'm eating better than I ever have in my life. I'm weaning myself from measuring food and learning to listen to my inner cues. I'm in love with this way of life.


My grandmother and aunts have been measuring food for decades....counting points.  There's an irony in all of their measuring, weighing, counting...they're not any closer to their goals since they started long ago.   Grandmaw started in the 70's.  

At Day 28, I am looking forward to cutting the Larabars, RXBars, nuts and dried fruit I've become dependent on.


When you break free of the portable bars (and all other WW 100 cal snacks) that come wrapped in neat packages that can last for months on the shelf...you're going to experience bliss a-go a-go.

Thank you!

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