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help with proteolytic enzymes


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I have been reading a lot on this site about digestive enzymes and I  see what kind are recommended - I have been looking at google at the two kinds and besides digestive enzymes there are proteolytic enzymes that are taken morning and night on an empty stomach - they are different and are to clean the blood. I see that Jon Barron has both kinds and complete descriptions on a site. Does anyone know about him or about a good kind of proteolytic enzymes to get? 

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There is a huge amount of steaming crap recommended on the internet and a lot of it involves supplements. If you want to know if any supplement is worthwhile, go to http://examine.com/ and search for it there. If it does not get a positive review there, it is almost certainly not worth your time or money. I say this even though examine.com does not like something I consume every day. 

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