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Got on the scale day 24


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I got on the scale today.  Do I start my whole 30 again?  It was a huge mistake. I wish I had not done it. All that happened was it sent me into self doubting mode, wondering if what I am doing is right for me.  On Saturday, I had just told a family member how great I feel, how much stronger I feel, and how amazing it is not to weigh myself. Then, temptation set in.  I am 47 and have put on about 7 lbs since a surgical procedure in December.  I would like to lose it.  I know this program is about developing a healthy relationship with food.  I guess this mistake is the best way to learn to ditch the scale.

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I've learned during my time doing the Whole30 and since that the number on the scale is totally irrelevant. Those numbers are deceiving, they lie to you about the state of your being. They tell you about a snap-shot in time for how long you are standing there for but have they told you about the water retention you my have due to hormones? They don't tell you you have gained muscle and lost fat. Have they told you that your bloating is gone and although they are saying the same weight or gone up that your belly is actually smaller and flatter? They don't tell you that your skin is glowing and that you are sleeping better or that your body is being nourished and given time will find it's ideal weight. People put too much emphasis on a number that in the big scheme of things is irrelevant.I used to too. 

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Thank you for the reply.  I know all of this, but am still in the learning process and undoing 47 years of weighing myself.  I believe I need to just stay off the scale, continue to nourish myself with this amazing food, and recognize more non scale victories, such as my running has improved and I am feeling stronger!

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Seven pounds may feel like a lot to you but the type of dietary changes you're making in these 30 days may not result in an amazing drop of weight for you, unlike people who have a lot more to lose.


Plus of course, the Whole30 is a program to clean up your eating and simultaneously addressing many issues that eating certain foods causes, or issues that are caused by obsession about the scale and food and so forth.  If you happen to lose weight, great!  That's a great side effect but at your size, you may not see drastic weight changes.

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