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Started March 26


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Hi. I started my whole 30 on March 26. I did not experience any problems as in cravings or tiredness at all. The only problem I have come across is the food boredom but I can deal with that. Another thing is I think I eat too much protein. I don't deny myself more chicken or fish Is that bad? Also, I don't love salad or greens so I sometimes juice those since it's easier and more palatable for me and I know I am getting them in my body that way. I know you are not supposed to juice but is it really terrible? I don't need to lose weight. I am 50 years old female and did this since my eating habits where of a child. Dairy and bread all day. Am I supposed to weigh myself on day 30 or 31? Thanks guys and I must say I feel amazing, cleaner and if possible happier!! This has been so easy for me. Way easier than anyother diet I have ever tried. My 75 year old mom started a day after me an is loving it as well. She said the hemoroids she has been suffering with for years are 50% better. Had she known about this she would have done it years ago!

One other thing how many almonds would you say is enough in a day?

Thanks again!!!

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Juicing takes the satiety right out of foods.  The hand to mouth chewing action is what contributes to satiety. Cooked/roasted/grilled vegetables are better than raw for the digestive tract and nutritional pop we get from absorbing all of the healthy out of our vegetables.


Since you're not worried about weight, getting the scale is not required on Day 31.  Far better to eat too much protein than dried fruits and nuts.  Frankly, when everyone is hungry, they tell them to eat more protein, vegetables and fats....rather than eating about 15 fruits and whopping boatloads of nuts.  :D 

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