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starting April 13


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I've been trying to do a program similar to this on my own for the past couple of months.  I am really addicted to sugar, and I have a food allergy to yeast. The allowed foods fit perfectly with my diet except for the vinegar. I've not been able to stick to my eating plan for more than a week without cheating,  and I'm hoping that doing this with a support group will help me stick to it better.  

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Stick to the meal templates making your portions big enough to keep you satiated for 4-5 hrs and you should be fine. Adding a little extra fat will help keep those cravings at bay, and if you've a sugar dragon to fight then step away form the fruit, nuts & nut butters as they'll just keep feeding him... 

And believe in yourself - there's a lot to be said for positive mental attitude - you can do this!

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Howdy! I'm going to be starting an official Whole30 for myself on the 13th too! Mine is number 2375pqu2904032x or something. It's always an adventure in good eating.


One thing that helps with completing a Whole30 successfully is that we're all about you actually EATING here in Whole30land. It's amazing. Three full meals per day. So shockingly, well, NORMAL. Hehe


The support helps too, even for me (and I hang out here a lot, obviously). I look forward to talking with other folks doing Whole30 in this time frame.

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