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I am currently on day 25 of my first whole 30 and honestly I'm very happy with how I've been doing and really the only issue I seem to be having is that I'm not sure how to portion things. I feel like I can never get a good balance. And I had to weigh for a doctors appointment and didn't lose any weight, although my inches have shrunk I can tell. Am I the only one struggling with this??????

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Hi Mandy,


Are you using our meal template as your guide? 


1-2 palms (length, width, depth) protein

1-3 cups veggies

1-2 thumbs fat (or half to whole avocado or handful olives)


Are your meals keeping you satiated for 4-5 hours? How's your energy? Your sleep? Your mood?

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Yes I am eating within all of those guidelines, and for the most part I stay full.  I do have to have a snack before my cross fit workouts.  I usually have plain tuna from a can and a handful of olives for that snack.  I'm other wise feeling good.  Sleep is always an issue for me has been all of my life.  I am just a really light sleeper.  I feel better over all.  Moods are def better because my stomach isn't in constant turmoil like it used to be.  

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