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Starting tomorrow, 4/21!


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Decided my start date should be tomorrow 4/21! I am very excited. Any tips would be absolutely welcome!


My name is Emily, I am a 25 year old social worker, student and pet mom. I'm looking to get my health back into gear and am tired of being told a superfood shake will make the difference. I'm ready for this!


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Hi, my name is Adel and I am starting today as well. I'm 41, a nurse, mom of two teenage daughters. Got really excited about this, my hope is to lose about 13 lbs, not necessarily in a month, but by summer. I started off this morning with two scrambled eggs with spinach and mini plum tomatoes. Good luck to us!

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My suggestion is to try and buy as much as you need off the grocery list.  So much easier to get through if you are prepared and have food that you can eat available.  You have to plan for 3 meals a day, so that can be a lot to throw together at the last minute.  Boil up some eggs to have handy, maybe make a big slow cooker meal that you can have on hand for 2-3 days.  I made a beef chili and I pulled pork my first week.  When I got sick of eat, I just froze it. 

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Hi, my name is Adel and I am starting today as well. I'm 41, a nurse, mom of two teenage daughters. Got really excited about this, my hope is to lose about 13 lbs, not necessarily in a month, but by summer. I started off this morning with two scrambled eggs with spinach and mini plum tomatoes. Good luck to us!

Hi Adel, just a quick reminder that eggs as a singular protein is as many as you can hold in your hand without dropping.  Even for the smallest women that is 3-4 usually. :)

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Today is my start day as well! This is my second round of Whole 30, I did a round this time last year and I lost 28 lbs. during the 30 days and felt fabulous! Time to get back on track again. Good luck to all of you starting today, stay strong YOU CAN DO THIS!

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Started today as well. Spent yesterday prepping some food for the week, also prepping some today. Had 3 eggs, sweet potato, and broccoli for breakfast. This is my first Whole30 challenge. First time doing anything Paleo. I'm excited and hoping for a lot of changes in my energy levels, weight, and how I feel overall. I'm a night shift nurse, so I'm a little worried about balancing everything. But I'm up for the challenge. 

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Hi Adel, just a quick reminder that eggs as a singular protein is as many as you can hold in your hand without dropping.  Even for the smallest women that is 3-4 usually. :)

Thanks for pointing it out! ☺️ I'm new to this, so any suggestions are welcome!

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Started today as well. Spent yesterday prepping some food for the week, also prepping some today. Had 3 eggs, sweet potato, and broccoli for breakfast. This is my first Whole30 challenge. First time doing anything Paleo. I'm excited and hoping for a lot of changes in my energy levels, weight, and how I feel overall. I'm a night shift nurse, so I'm a little worried about balancing everything. But I'm up for the challenge.

Wow, great! I'm a night shift RN too, I work 3/12's and my biggest challenge is switching my body back and forth between days and nights. Ever since I started working nights, 4 years now, my energy level went down and my weight has been going up! This is my first time doing this, so good luck to us!

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Started today. TIRED TIRED TIRED of yo-yo dieting, being fat, feeling sluggish, tired, cranky, sore. It seems like a LOT of information to digest. Funny tho, my daughter, who lives in Argentina, says that everyone she knows has adopted this eating/life plan. Argentines eat a LOT, and are rarely overweight.

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Any updates girls? I'm still going strong, started on 4/21. I just got the book today, hope to get some new ideas for preparing my meals. Ok, my biggest craving was/is the Zone Perfect nutrition bar, chocolate peanut butter flavor. I used to have that as my #1 breakfast choice after getting home from working night shift. I found that if I resist and focus on the goal eventually the craving passes. So far my family has been supportive, although I'm the only one following this diet.

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