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I'm doin' this!!!


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Hi, I'm Cris and I'm a carbaholic.

I've had RA and have been overweight for 15 years now. I recently had a severe flare up of my arthritis that left me unable to work for 6 weeks! I'm ready to finally take control of my health! Although giving up my cheese is going to be VERY hard for me, this seems totally doable!!! I'm so excited to start on Monday! I've been cutting things out over the last week or so already. Looking forward to all the advice and support :)

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Welcome aboard :) I'm a fellow carbaholic on day 4 of my first Whole30. Although I've had the occasional thought of adding cheese (cheeseaholic as well!) to the occasional meal, I haven't let that happen!  I'm finding it extremely straightforward at this point, and am appalled at what I'm seeing on ingredient lists when shopping. Really has made me more aware of what I've been feeding myself and the kids all this time. I haven't managed to get the kids fully onboard, but am managing to get some better food into them over the last few days. Surprisingly, after initial protest, they've actually liked what I've made!!  :o


Good luck in your journey!

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