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Starting tomorrow


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I am starting the Whole 30 tomorrow.  I have been struggling with Lyme disease and am hoping this will help deal with some of the symptoms.  I eat pretty clean, though need to eliminate grains (quinoa, millet, etc.).  I am GF and have done it before, so hoping it won't be a struggle this time around.  I crave more energy and the elimination of mood swings that comes with Lyme flare-ups/herx.

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Hi!  I'm starting tomorrow too.  I have failed to complete the whole30 a couple of times at this point, and am giving it another shot. 


I'm sure you've thought of this, but just in case: think back to your previous attempts, and try to figure out what made you go off course. Then you can try to figure out how to deal with it ahead of time. Having a plan in place should make it easier to stay on track this time. If you determine what it was that went wrong, but can't figure out how to fix it, please post somewhere here in the forum -- there are lots of people here who have dealt with all kinds of issues, and I'm sure someone will be able to help you figure out good options.

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Great! I almost hesitated but am going to go for it. It is interesting what I'm going to need to cut, like mustard that I love...has cane. Interesting, I typically avoid a lot of fruit but looks like all are okay with Whole30. I gave up wine because of the detox herbal regime I'm on for Lyme. My challenge will be breakfast...love French Toast and waffles.

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