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Starting Whole 30 May 1


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I've been haphazardly following an autoimmune Paleo diet for about 5 years. It's been a long learning curve. I am even a certified Neuro Nutrient Therapist now (I work with amino acids to balance the brain chemistry and stop cravings) and I've been very successful, it has not, however done anything for my organizational talents or lack thereof! So, for myself and to see if this will work for my clients (I can already see that it will! YAY!) I am doing the Whole 30 and I am excited that my husband decided to take the journey with me. 


I've chosen my start date as May 1. The hard part for me (in the past) is sticking to a flexible routine along with all the other wonderful things I am doing. I had to adopt 4 simple house rules just to start the program! Anyway, I'm excited to make this a long term routine. Since I am allergic to ALL grains (severely) I will not be adding anything back in to my diet. For me, this is a lifestyle I have to be successful at in order to live pain free. It took me a year to be able to eat eggs again. I'm still looking at eliminating MORE "inflammatories" hidden in foods and in simplifying my shopping, prep and implementation. 


I am hoping getting this down to a solid routine and finding quick snacks (that I don't have to spend hours creating myself) will streamline the process for me and allow me to have more time and energy for fun, vacations, and exercising routinely as well. One step at a time. 


Look forward to interacting and to a wonderful success!



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Snacks are not a part of the Whole30 approach to eating. The plan is based upon eating three meals per day with the addition of small pre- and post-workout meals on days that you exercise. Once you get the hang of cooking, preparing three meals per day is not time consuming. I prepare many meals in 10-15 minutes. 



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I guess I was talking about the pre-work out snack and post workout additional meal. I keep my meals simple, usually scrambled eggs, some leafy organic greens, 1/2 avocado, and some simple salsa. 


Lunch is usually an arugula chopped salad with salmon, pistacios for potassium, a sprinkle of raisons, a dash of olive oil. 


Dinner is a hamburger patty of some variety of grass fed meats, a simple salad, 1/2 avo. 


I am a nutritional herbalist, so I use herbs for healing, vitmains and minerals to make sure I get my needs met and Amino acids like Tryptophan, Gaba, DLPA, glutamine and sometimes melatonin to balance brain chemistry and cut any cravings, or to help get to sleep after a stressful day. 


I follow a solid bedtime routine, no tv at least an hour before bed, a magnesium bath with calming lavender and meditation and get to bed by about 10pm. 


I have a 40 ounce container I use to help me drink enough filtered water (I filter out fluorides and chemicals, etc) I usually drink 2 or more a day. 


The changes I"ve made so far are: I tossed the scale, stopped tracking calorie burning for workouts, and I bike every day. 


What I've noticed I may still need to change: I bike at night because it's very hot here in AZ, so I go around 8 or 9 before I go to bed, I have a small handful of nuts or the us wellness jerky and a glutamine after to make sure I don't wake up hungry in the night. Not sure how to change that, I have a cataract from the diabetes I reversed and it's difficult to ride in the light, I also do my chores in the am, feed the chickens, fish, water the gardens etc first thing in the morning. 


by the way, it's day 7 and I am already improved, more energy, less aches and pains, feel like my clothes are looser. No cheating. No cravings, just bored with the food. Still not willing to make elaborate meals. But considering making a batch of Paleo crock pot chili. I use cabbage in it, love cabbage!


I'm on target, I am texting with my friends for support and figuring out some more cool things, like this blog. I will say that Day three I had a headache, (just a normal detoxing one, not a reactionary migraine) and was pretty grumpy. I was surprised! The longer I am doing this the better and more clear headed I feel. 


Good program. 

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