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Spending May preparing to start on 1st June


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Hi all, had this idea to start whole30 in May, bought the book and started reading. I had in the back of my mind that I am going for afternoon tea with my sisters on 25th- could I have a free pass for that? Reading further I realised that - no I can't!! I also have a couple of training days in May which may be difficult to navigate. So I have decided to spend May preparing, learn some new recipes and start cleaning up the diet a bit. I have eaten Paleo before for an extended time so whole30 is not completely new but I got out of the habit due to life getting complicated etc and now having crazy carb cravings when I try and cut back! Depression makes it very difficult as I turn to food for comfort - I also get a lot of headaches and find myself reaching for quick energy fixes a lot. Anyway, enough rambling, any tips or just empathy would be welcome!!

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Considering your proclivity towards depression and the difficult time you've had when attempting to go low carb in the past, I suggest NOT going low carb. Make sure you include at least one fist sized serving of starchy veggies at one meal per day, more if you need it. Whole30 can be perceived as low carb but it does not have to be.

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