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Third Whole 30 May 1st (log)


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It is a lovely morning to start a Whole 30!  The sun is out, it was finally above the 30's overnight, weekend looks to be in the 70's and I'm stoked.  Cleaned out my fridge and cabinets this past week, and I overconsumed those off-limits foods to the point of making myself feel sick.  I didn't have to do that, but I simply can't bear to throw it in the trash or compost.  I know it would have been much better than throwing it into my mouth, but I'm learning. 


Breakfast:  broccoli, onion, jalapeno and sweet potato saute with 2 eggs.  2 cups of green tea.


mid-morning: 2 cups of decaf with coconut oil and coconut milk.


Lunch:  can of tuna with homemade mayo and jalapenos, bone broth, huge salad with balsamic vinegar and olive oil


* 4.5 mile walk after work *


Dinner:  Salmon (from Well Fed 2), orange zested Swiss Chard, roasted parsnips and butternut squash


Ginger tea

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Day 3...I am feeling good this morning. Beautiful here in Seattle. Went on a 20 mile bike ride yesterday and a half mile swim. I do not have a lot planned for today except getting ready for the week. How are you doing on your third day? Also, when a person is doing more workouts does it make sense to eat a couple more meals during the day? I am finding when I do the two workouts a day I am a lot hungrier.....



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Becky, I have Dallas and Melissa Hartwig's book "It Starts With Food" (published in 2012 about the Whole 30).  On page 242 they talk about pre-workout and post-workout nutrition.  If you're doing high intensity workouts, you'll need nutritional support pre and post.  "A pre-workout snack might be: 2 hard-boiled eggs, some deli turkey and small handful of macadamia nuts, or a few strips of beef jerky... Post-Workout is a special bonus meal to help you recover... eat as soon as possible ideally within 15-30 minutes, have a meal-size serving of easily digestible protein and add carbs in the form of starchy veg. Fruit is not your best choice... A good post-workout meal might be chicken breast and sweet potato, salmon and butternut squash or egg whites mixed into mashed pumpkin. Eat a normal meal sixty to ninety minutes after your post workout meal."  I hope I am not violating any copyright laws by quoting the source here.  


There is also an Athlete's Page on the forum, and I'm sure there is a lot of fantastic info there http://forum.whole9life.com/forum/11-whole30-for-athletes/


I haven't been able to be physically active for a while.  I've had chronic low back pain for over 6 years, but last summer I developed sciatica, due to bone spurs growing in my spine.  I had almost unbearable pain from July 2014 until March 4th, when I finally had surgery.  Decompression and fusion of L4-L5.  It is a rather long recovery, and I'm very limited in what I can do.  Before the sciatica, I was running nearly every day, and very active.  After my 12-week post-surgery follow-up, I should be cleared to begin running again, and lifting over 20 lbs.  I will have to ease into it of course, but I am so excited to be without that pain! 


I had such a busy weekend, but I feel great!  No headaches like the last 2 W30's.  No cravings.  I even made chocolate chip cookies for my kids who came over to do my yardwork today.  I made them take the cookies when they left.  I wasn't even tempted to lick the spoon.  My body loves this type of eating - it's so refreshing.  Not sure I'll feel like this for the entire 30 days, but I'm thrilled with the start!

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