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1st Whole30


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This is the first day of my first Whole30. I am going to try and use this for my own records and for accountability.

My reasons for starting:

-nausea after eating often

-low energy


-poor sleep

-foggy brain/memory issues

-prediabetic/insulin resistance

-chronic hives (have to take zyrtec every 2-3 days or I get unbearably itchy, and almost always have red marks from where I touch my skin/scratch lightly)


My first day's meals:


Meal 1:

Chocolate Chili from clothesmakethegirl

1/2 sweet potato

mini cucumber


Meal 2:

2 roast chicken thighs

7 green olives

mini cucumber

cherry tomatoes

sugar snap peas


Meal 3:

Pad Thai from clothesmakethegirl


drank water and herbal tea throughout the day



Felt pretty good until about 5:30 when I started losing some concentration and got really tired (this was at the end of a 9 hour work day). Now, around 8:30 at night I have a headache in the front of my head... I'm not sure if I can have a sugar-craving/detox headache so soon. I started eating whole 30 at dinner last night, so it's just been 24 hours. I usually have 1 coffee a day, and had no caffeine today, so that might be it... or my body is so sugar addicted that 30 hours or so without sugar freaks my body out!


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It's my first Whole 30 as well, I'm on day 2!  Trying to stay motivated!  I had a hard time last night after dinner as I usually always have something sweet and junky while watching tv.  I really wanted to give up, but instead I went to bed early.  Feeling better this AM, really wanting to beat this sugar dragon.  Good luck with your whole 30!

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Thank you! You too! My hunger isn't as bad today... no headache yet either. I do notice that every so often I wil just have a flash of wanting something sweet. And when I got home from work today it was about 5pm, and I had this idea about what I would even do for the rest of the evening. It seems like food and eating must have taken up more mindspace/time than I realized. :wacko:

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Day 2: 

Meal 1:

Leftover Pad Thai

mini cucumber

sugar snap peas with a bit of sunshine sauce

decaf americano with a little coconut milk


Meal 2:

Pulled pork



sweet potato

Morroccan dipping sauce

green onion


Meal 3:


sweet potato

freeze dried blueberries



No headache today. Much less hunger feelings. Many times of sugar cravings.

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Day 3:

Meal 1:

Egg salad with OOmayo

butter lettuce


Meal 2:

Chocolate Chili

1/2 sweet potato



Meal 3:

Egg salad

cashew & macadamia nuts with some raisins


Water throughout the day


Feeling not very hungry today. Had some cravings because I was back at a job that I usually snack at, but distracted myself. I could have just done with eating 2 meals today. Energy fairly normal, got tired around 8pm at work.

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Day 4:

Meal 1:

Egg salad

butter lettuce

cherry tomatoes

cashew & macadamia nuts with some raisins

coffee with some coconut milk


Meal 2:

Coconut Shrimp Thai soup

green beans

bit of nuts+fruit


Hunger was low again today. I felt brighter and did not get depressed/teary like I often do on days off. I was a little bit fuzzy brained- had a bit of a hard time recalling some words.

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Day 5:

Meal 1:

cocount milk "latte", smoked salmon, butter lettuce, capers, bit of OOmayo


Meal 2:

Bit of pulled pork, sweet potato, guacamole


Meal 3:

steak, salad, sweet potato, broccoli


Felt pretty good, still having some trouble with work recall (fuzzy brain). Got a little angsty in the morning, but managed to bring myself back down.



Day 6:

Meal 1:


big salad with steak and veggies

some nuts + raisins


Meal 2:

Chocolate chili

green pepper

some fresh fruit


Meal 3:

Thai coconut soup

(ran out of veggies- will stock up!)


Felt pretty good today but had my first moderately bad cravings for a hot chocolate shop by my house. I did use nuts and fruit to help calm this after sitting with it for hours, because I was at work and could only distract so much.

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Well done on making it to day 5  :) 

If you're having cravings try a distraction technique (go for a walk, paint your nails, do the dishes) rather than feeding the craving with fruit - that is just feeding the dragon & keeping it alive....

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Day 7:

Meal 1:

Chocolate chili

coffee with coconut milk

(still out of veggies)


Meal 2:

Giant salad with lettuce, tomato, avocado, green onion, chicken thigh, egg, and vinaigrette

ice tea


Meal 3:

Chicken garlic sausages (2)

spicy brown mustard

spaghetti squash with marinara


Day 8:

Meal 1:

Egg salad (3 eggs)

celery (4 stalks)


Meal 2:

can of tuna in olive oil

celery (4 stalks)

fruit and nuts


Meal 3:

1/2 chicken thigh

1/2 avocado

1/2 cherry pie larabar

(this was a small/hard meal because I had some stomach issues which made it difficult to eat)


Day 9:

Meal 1:

Coffee with coconut milk

Egg salad (3 eggs)

celery (3 stalks)


Meal 2: tbd


Meal 3: tbd



On day 7 I felt good- clearer, more energy. I'm noticing I'm rising in the morning earlier, and not feeling exhausted when I wake up!


On day 8 I had a small bout of depressive feelings, lack of energy, and wanting to eat a lot. I am wondering if this is because of the salad I had the day before. It was at a restaurant (I had been really proud of myself- my dining partner had a big sandwich and a cocktail) and although I asked them to leave cheese and bacon off the salad, and asked if there was sugar in the dressing (there wasn't) I wonder if the chicken was marinated or glazed with soy sauce or sugar of some sort. I tend to notice a correlation between getting accidently "glutenized" and feeling depressed.


Day 9 was great again... good energy, felt very present at my job. I use my intuition in my job, and have noticed it being clearer and more right on in the past week! My cravings are lower- wanted some sugar after my first meal, but sat with it and drank water... it moved by.

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Falling behind on posts because...life. But still going strong on the whole30!

I've hit a bit of a wall- felt low energy/strength... and had dreams of eating sweets. But made some steak on a whim and feel better after that. Made a couple new recipes, which have me more interested in eating again.

Day 15:


Steak and veggie chopped salad with Moroccan Dipping Sauce dressing



Smoked Salmon





Meal 3:

Greek stew


Fresh fruit salad

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