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May 4th Start - Anxious but ready!


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I have been looking at The Whole 30 for some time now. I go back and forth on if I think I can do it. 30 days is a long time. I first started thinking of it like jail term that I can’t possibly do. Realistically it is something that is needed to break the habits and get rehabilitated with a new healthier outlook on life.


Time to introduce myself, my name is Val and I am 43 years old and recently became a grandma for the first time. When I look at that little boy I see hope for the future, a future that I want to be a part of but a part of in a healthy way! I have tried many different was to lose weight and get healthy but I always seem to sabotage myself just a short time in. Not sure if scared of failing or what it is, but I sure do not give myself time to find out.  :unsure:


I would love for my husband to join me in this as we are both unhealthy and I think this would give us both the boost we need to a long healthy life together. Hopefully, he will see changes with me and want to join in. Meals I prepare will be following the Whole 30 days, so for those meals, he will be following with me. But the rest of the time I know it will not be good. He has seen quite a few health issues creep up and with our age it gets scary thinking of the what ifs.


I know I have an unhealthy relationship with food; my weight and health issues clearly show that.  I am hoping the next 30 days I can discover a new relationship with food and myself. Time to make a change! I am in for the next 30 days .. and I hope I see changes with the pain, edema, acne, weight, memory fog and the other issues disappear for good!


I know from my past I make excuses and do not stick to things when it comes to my health. Anything else, I am always super focused but I always seem to put myself last. I hope by joining this forum and posting that I can find the support but also find my own my determination to see this through.


Here is to the next 30 days….  I am anxious but ready for a change!

Val :)


I am posting a pic of myself, I do not like pictures taken of me.. but I believe I need my starting point!



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Hello Val, Erin, Laura, and others starting Whole30 tomorrow (Monday, May 4) -- I am also starting my first Whole30 tomorrow, after seeing happy results with a relative. I have food all planned through Saturday, including snacks, to try to make this week easy and interesting. Don't have a lot of time on the Internet but will sure try to check back here to see how y'all are doing. We can do this! It's for such a great cause -- us! Best to you all!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am so excited at the progress so far!! Today is day 20 and for the most part have managed to stick to it. Never in my life have I been able to do so! The only thing I had that should not have was barbecue sauce as it was already prepared by the time I got to a family members house before I could pull some off to the side. But other then that been following it to a T! Going away for long weekend, no drinks with my close friends (tequila is our drink of choice lol) Stayed true to the Whole30 and I can say... I DID that myself!


My clothes are loser, my blood pressure has dropped quite a bit already! I feel more energy and just feel good about myself and the choices I am making. My doc figures if I keep going I can reverse the recently diagnosed gout as well.  


But the biggest thing is over the past twenty days I have found what my relationship is with food, found out for sure addicted to sugar and with cutting out wheat I know do not crave sugar after larger meals. At the end of the 30 days, I am going to modify it a bit but stick with it. 


Excited to see the progress and hoping for some weight loss through it all to! 


Love the support, the ideas and the recipes. 


Thank you!



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Hi there I also started May 4 th

My very first W30

So glad to see you are progressing well

The benefits are so worth it

I'm also staying compliant No drinks or sweets or anything else steady it goes

My clothes are looser and my middle is shrinking

I feel so different too

Good luck to you

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  • 1 month later...

I really need to come back here and re-post since I started the Whole30!


I have been so excited with the results, not only in how I feel but also what my body is telling me!


First 30 days...  June 2nd

15lbs lost

14.5 inches lost

Sleeping Better

Blood pressure decreased significantly

More energy

but more imporantly.. discovered I did have an addiction to sugar and now I have a much better relationship with food!!


I then proceeded with another 30 days but started adding things in gradually..


Bought red wine - severe edema and quick! - no more of this for me!

Milk Chocolate - Severe stomach cramps

I found I crave good food now instead of bad.


At the end of my 60 days.. I am at


25lbs Lost!

23 Inches Lost!

My gout symptoms have dissapeared

No gall bladder attacks!!!

and generally just feel better!


I am now using a modified Whole30. I have not added grains back in but have added dairy back in and really watched the body and found so far so good.


Loving my results, feel real good and hoping that other members in my family follow suit!


Thank you for this program.. It is a great way to a healthier life.



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