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Crohn's and Whole30/AIP

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I was diagnosed with Crohns at 14, but have been flare-free since 2003 when I had a resection due to a stricture. I have been on Humira for the last 5+ years and that has worked well. I guess I would say my symptoms are more along the IBS side with no pain. I was so excited to do the Whole30 because I have sugar consumption issues. That is until I got to the end when it talked about AIP and low FODMAPS. Any thoughts on if I should still go that strict of a route even though I'm technically in remission with my Crohns, or is that more for those with active disease? I've pretty much talked myself into avoiding the eggs, nuts, etc on the AIP but the FODMAPS are so restrictive its bumming me out. Any insight/suggestions would be appreciated!! Thank you.

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Usually, we recommend that you start with just a normal W30, even if you have diagnosed autoimmune problems. The Whole30 is an anti-inflammatory way of eating, and many people find relief from symptoms even just with it, especially if it's a pretty big change from how they're eating before W30.  If you do a W30 and find there are still some issues you think could be better, then you could go to AIP or low FODMAPS or whatever option you think would help.


I will say that even if you do a standard W30, you should probably limit the nuts you consume. They are an acceptable fat source, but they're not the best fat source because of the Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratios. They are also food without brakes for many people, meaning that it's very easy to overeat them. And they often cause digestive distress especially if eaten in larger quantities than you're used to.

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I also have crohn's and mine is pretty active. I have flares every month, and some are very painful with diarrhea and vomiting. I was diagnosed six years ago and started on Humira, then was in remission until about two years ago. My doctor started me up on Humira again, but I had developed anti bodies to it so now I am on Remicade. I have only had two doses, and when I saw the whole 30 program I was ready to try and change my diet to see if my symptoms improve. Today is my first day! For me it is raw veggies that are hard for me so I'm making sure I cook everything really well. Also if I am in pain I did read in the book that I could puree or blend it up so it is easier to digest. I'm very careful about measuring out my fruit if I do that, so I don't over eat fruit. I am excited to hear how the whole 30 does for you! 

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