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Day 6 And My Old Clothes Are Starting To FIt


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Right after my surgery I lost a lot of weight, and then I gained a lot more in a matter of a month. It was so bad that my 44 jackets didn't fit any more. Today I tried one of them. It fits!!! The bigger pants I had to buy are feeling a little big, but my old pants don't fit yet. 


I am also trying to grow my muscles, I don't do much cardio but I go to the GYM every other day. I am eating a little more protein than most people are in this blog. Is it OK? Please share your experiences with weight training and the Whole 30 plan. 

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It is difficult to overeat protein if you are eating it as real animal flesh like steak, fish, sausage, etc. The size of the meat and the built-in mechanisms for telling you that you have consumed enough work when you go too far. It is only when you are slamming protein shakes that you can go too far without noticing until you have created problems. Now this is true for ordinary people. People with kidney disease may need to be more careful. However, the Whole30 meal template allows up to 2 palm-size portions of protein at each meal, plust pre and post-workout protein. I don't have trouble when I occasionally eat a steak that takes up 2/3 of my plate. :) It is important that you not let meat push veggies off your plate. Make sure that you always eat more veggies than meat at a meal. 


I completed a 3-month kettlebell muscle plan written by Geoff Neupert in year 2 of my Whole30 journey. Geoff's plan in short was to complete his demanding, intense training plan with double kettlebells three times per week, to avoid additional exercise beyond walking, and to eat a lot. I ate pretty much the way I have always eaten on the Whole30 program. I added some pull-ups to Geoff's routine because I was afraid of losing the gains I had made. After 3 months, I was a lot stronger and went up from about 184 to 190 pounds of body weight. I was happy. I still weigh about 190 more than 3 years later. 

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Thanks for the advice man. I did try to do something similar to the whole 30 before, but my downfall was not eating enough veggies. This time I'm making sure I have them as part of every meal.

Yesterday I was with my oncologist, the doctor assistant took my blood pressure and asked me to step on the scale. I know you are not supposed to do that but in this case I didn't have an option :-) Anyhow, my blood pressure improved a lot, but she was worried that I have lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks. She actually panicked for a second, as you know, loosing weight a few months after cancer surgery is really bad news. I'll be honest, I did let her panic for couple of seconds, then I explained to her that I lost most of the weight on the last week, thanks to working out at the Gym and being super strict following this wonderful Whole 30plan. She said she would check it out, and congratulated me for my efforts.

My muscles are coming back, my belly is going down, I am more energetic. I want to stay like this forever lol.

I also have other concerns, I have an 11% possibility of the cancer coming back, and while we don't know for sure, a lot of people think that our processed food is a big factor for cancer. So, I won't do whole 30 for 30 days, I'm going to try to stay in it for the rest of my life. I'm telling you, cancer is a big motivator to avoid simple cabs and all that crap :-),

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Yeah. One of my friends began organic farming in response to his wife being diagnosed with cancer. She has been cancer free for more than 5 years now, but they remain careful about where all their food comes from. 

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