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Second Week and not as sleepy


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It's my eighth day and I survived the weekend!  That meant dinner out on Friday night with my friends, Mother's Day brunch, and a confirmation party.


I'm so lucky to have such supportive people in my life.  My friends and family picked restaurants where I could select Whole30 compliant food and NO ONE DRANK!  That's amazing to me.  I thought giving up drinking was going to be the hardest, but I've come to find out I like dairy more than alcohol.  SHOCKER! 


I was also suprised about some of the negative feedback I was getting.  The haters.  So strange that they'd rather sabotage me than just leave me alone.  It's quite telling of the company I've been keeping.  Time to reevaluate with whom I spend my time.


Last week, the very first day, I went straight to the sleepy phase.  I still could use more sleep.  My energy level is okay, but I'm still tired, but it's not as bad as last week.  I didn't have any headaches either.  I feel really fortunate.  The only thing that's getting me is the mind games I play.  The cravings.


So, good luck to everyone!  I'm super excited to have started this program and really want to succeed. 



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I was also suprised about some of the negative feedback I was getting.  The haters.  So strange that they'd rather sabotage me than just leave me alone.  It's quite telling of the company I've been keeping.  Time to reevaluate with whom I spend my time.



I loved reading your post! I'm in the same boat...I thought alcohol would be the hardest part to give up but, it's going ok...I'm only on day 3 though. To your point about the haters....I work at an office where there is a "sharing" table and guess who sits right next to it?!?!? ME! Today, someone brought in a HUGE bag of Peanut M&M's and it literally is sitting there staring at me...saying, "I'll get you, my pretty!" But, I resisted and THEN my co-workers started tossing these M&M's at ME!!! Not cool. I just threw them away and went on with work. We got this - I want to succeed too! Good Luck!

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