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Sparks started May 11


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Hi. Looks like quite a few of us started this week!  I am a mom and professional and keep pretty physically active  This is my first time around. Im excited to read about everyone's progress and challenges (and share mine when appropriate).


Would love to hear about those who have advice for post late night workout snacks and recovery (my waterpolo team pool time is limited to this). I'll post something in the appropriate forum.






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Welcome Sarah,


I started on the 12th, the day after you.  For me,  so far so good.   As for snacks what I do is go by what I have a taste for.  If I want popcorn, then I'll munch on carrots for example. Because the both have that chewy crunchy thing going on.   For some reason the only thing I want right now is Ice Tea.....yum.  So I'm eating more oranges to keep my mind off of it.


Good Luck and keep us posted!



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Hi Ladies, 


Snacking is discouraged on Whole30.  If you are truly hungry enough to eat something bland like steamed fish & broccoli, we recommend eating a mini meal of protein and fat but ideally also veggies (think small piece chicken, olives, snap peas).  Eating fruit on its own leads to blood sugar spikes and volatile energy.  Increased cravings is also common when eating fruits alone.  Finally, fruits by themselves or as a "treat" or "dessert" keeps your sugar dragon alive and well.


The original question sounded like a request for ideas surrounding later night post workout fuel.  Water polo is probably quite intensive so you do need to eat something directly after.  Our recommendation is a lean protein and a starchy veggie.  Canned tuna and sweet potato for example.  You don't need a truckload of it, just a few bites of each after your workout. This shouldn't be enough to have you going to bed on a "full stomach".


Ann, sometimes with the cravings, instead of subbing something else to keep your mind off of it, you probably just need to power through it.  Changing your relationship with food and with yourself is one of the major tenets of the Whole30 and subbing compliant things when the need is mental or emotional isn't the way to get there, unfortunately.  

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