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Pretty sure I don't want to hear the answer... Fructose and headaches...


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Hey guys,

Am actually on day 33 and in reintroduction technically, although not reintroducing really because I have a headache i can't seem to shift (been on and off since day 29, absolutely steaming today!!).

So it could of course be hay fever, pollen count is high. AND I don't usually suffer this bad...

So, because I'm out of whole30 and it's not a rule but a recommendation anyway, I've definitely had a bit more fruit than before and a few medjool dates too (I maybe had 2 the whole time I was on whole30) and for the last few days I've done some bad business travel which has meant a few nakd or larabars and dates and blueberries because of no choice for lunch (emergency stash). My gut instinct is the uplift in fructose is giving me this hangover rather than allergies. What do you think? Any advice gratefully received, me and headaches pretty unusual and this is not fun! (Day 5 of my period too).

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Yes, fructose can cause headaches, but I suspect it is just plain lack of food and hydration. Your emergency stash lunch would leave me headachy and hungry within an hour or two. Try eating (meat, veggies, good fats), and drinking a bunch of water too. It might take more than you expect to catch up.

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