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Started June 5th! :)


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So I started the Whole30 on Friday, and oh man am I TIRED today.  It's a different tired though - not eye-drooping tired, but a "my body feels heavy and droopy" kind of tired.  Been waking up with slight headaches since Saturday, even with my one cup of coffee (+coconut milk) each morning.  I even upped my water intake a TON yesterday, and I still had a headache this morning.  Except today I also feel scatter-brained.  Ugh.  Anyone else feel scatter-brained at this point???    :blink:


Still feeling a little "panicky" about this, but feeling better about it today than I did on Friday.  These last few days I've been craving cookies like mad, and I really didn't eat cookies all that often.  LOL!  The cravings have been crazy, but it's been pretty amazing that I can actually feel the difference between cravings vs hunger.  I mean *really* feel/tell the difference.  


I'm excited about this journey, but still nervous.  I can't wait to get to the "Tiger Blood" phase.  This "I need a nap and cookies and wine" phase is terrible!   ;)   My 15 year old son is starting it today after hearing about all the positive side effects at the end of the 30 days, so we'll see.  Hopefully he'll stick with it.  I made him his breakfast this morning, packed him a lunch, and prepared a snack for when he gets home from Water Polo practice, hoping to make day 1 easy on him.  I can't wait to check in with him when I get home from work.  LOL   I'm looking forward to sharing the experience with him.   :)


Anyways, excited to be a part of this, and to surf through all of the forum on other topics such a recipes, W30 + exercise/running, and post-workout meals.  Here's to learning about labels, how to cook more/better, and increasing health.  


Have a great week everyone!!!   :lol:




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Hi Briana


Are you including at least one serving of starchy veg each day? This will help with your energy levels, and also help with the transition form the sugary diet to a new healthy one....

Best of luck to you & your son - how mature of him to have decided to jump on board!

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I have a sweet potato with my breakfast, along with 2 boiled eggs and an avocado.  It fills me up tremendously, and actually carries me over through lunchtime (around 12ish), which is nice.  If I get truly hungry in between meals, I'll sometimes have either an apple, banana, or some grapes.  I've been doing pretty good at the carb+protein+fat rule/guide.  Maybe it's just the fact that I'm not ingesting all the added sugars.  :-)  

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I have a sweet potato with my breakfast, along with 2 boiled eggs and an avocado.  It fills me up tremendously, and actually carries me over through lunchtime (around 12ish), which is nice.  If I get truly hungry in between meals, I'll sometimes have either an apple, banana, or some grapes.  I've been doing pretty good at the carb+protein+fat rule/guide.  Maybe it's just the fact that I'm not ingesting all the added sugars.  :-)  

I think this is your problem.

Fruit should be eaten with, or as part of a main meal, never alone as a snack - purely and simply because the naturally occuring sugars in the fruit will spike your blood sugar. The spike is followed by a slump, which comes with fatigue, faux hunger, lack of focus..... You need to stop snacking on fruit to avoid this - and to avoid constantly feeding that sugar dragon.

If you are truly hungry opt for a mini meal of protein, veggies & fats, and then increase the size of your meal one next day. Maybe try adding another protein of some kind to your meal one - I find if I mix up my protein sources (eggs & fish/beef for instance) that it holds me over for much longer.

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