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Bubbie's pickles get mentioned here a lot as a compliant pickle brand. I just recently bought Grillo's Italian Dill Chips for the first time, from my local Whole Foods, and they are also compliant (and tasty!).

As always, look at the ingredients list, as ingredients can change or vary by region.

You might consider using compliant pickles to make your own compliant relish.

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We do a lot of our grocery shopping at Sprouts (aka Sunflower Market in some areas) and their house brand dill pickles were free of sugar and crazy dyes/additives/other yuck.


The best advice would be to just go to your local store and start reading the label for every single product on the shelf. It's the only way to know for sure AND you might just stumble across something that you didn't expect to be compliant, but is.

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