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Frozen eggplant with sugar? Really?

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I have always bought frozen grilled eggplant in a bag, but recently saw something shocking. I didn't think of looking at the nutritional values because the one ingredient it always has been is just eggpplant.

But I happened to look at the packing and it lists sugar - 3 gr!

How can one ingredient - eggplant - have 3 gr of sugar? I know it must naturally have some sugar, but since it is labeled as such, does that mean we can't have it?

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You need to look at the actual ingredients list. If the only ingredient is truly eggplant, then it's fine.


All fruits and vegetables will have naturally occurring sugar, so their nutrition info will list some sugar -- it's only added sugar or other sweeteners in the ingredients list that would make it non-compliant for Whole30.

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