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Anyone starting **tomorrow**, June14th??


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I started today too. It sounds like you are ahead of me, time zone wise. :) I'm between lunch and dinner. Things are going well. I'm not hungry, but not necessarily satisfied. I did lots of cooking today in preparation for the week. I work out quite a bit, so preparing the pre-wo and post-wo meals were the toughest parts for me.


I hope it's going well for you today as well! If you're already in bed as your times seem to indicate, I'm incredibly jealous that you are finished with temptations and experiencing sleepy success! GOOD LUCK tomorrow!!

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I am on Eastern Time and find eating dinner early and then "closing the kitchen" helps - brush and floss teeth nod eating becomes much less tempting since that whole routine would have to be gone through again. I am traveling Tues morning until Friday night this week so did very little cooking. Next week I travel Tuesday through Thuufor work too...part of my life so figure If I wait for the perfect time it will never get here so just doing it!

Pre- and post workout meals can be challenging- my advice would be find the same 2 go-to snacks and stick to them to keep it simple. I always have packets of almond butter, coconut butter, olives, beef sticks (both Chomps and Grass Run Farms are excellent) in my bag and picking up an apple is easy. I have celiac so many of the Whole30 foods were staples for me

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Hi All!


Sharon I'm interested on how you're going to handle the traveling. I travel for work too sometimes. 


You're right tho, there's never a good time to start so you might as well jump in! Good luck to you!



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Here is my plan - I did a 21 Day Sugar Detox and this worked as long as I did not let myself get too hungry or dehydrated - 


This week it is a trip by car (12 hour drive each way, personal trip to see my grandson graduate) so I found a suite hotel with a full kitchen so I had a refrigerator - have ready to pack in a cooler: 6 hard boiled eggs, homemade W30 compliant sausage, apples, baby carrots and celery sticks, a lemon, couple of oranges and then some non-refrigerator foods  - little tub of ghee, some single servings of olive oil and vinegar (great for sticking in my purse for meals out...too often the oil they bring for oil & vinegar is not 100% EVOO), foil packs of tuna in olive oil, beef sticks (Chomps), individual packs of olives, a couple of RxBars (fruit & nut bars for dire emergencies - I don't eat nuts very often and dried fruit is like candy to me), bottled water, La Croix, herb tea bags, and a 6 pack of unsweetened iced tea. Half of it I may bring back home but having food on hand is important psychologically to me....I feel prepared at least. We will be eating out quite a bit so I stick to really simple food  - eggs and sliced tomatoes for breakfast ...add vegis to eggs if available; salad with grilled meat for lunch or a burger, no bun, no seasonings, and a side salad and/or steamed broccoli; dinner is either burger and vegis again or grilled fish, steak or chicken depending on where we eat.


Work travel is actually easier  - EXCEPT the airport which is a danger zone for me...I tend to be hungry, bored and tired there which is not a good combo. Pack olive oil and vinegar in checked bag, foil packs tuna, beef sticks or jerky, olive packs, a pack or two of almond or coconut butter, couple emergency RxBars, herb tea bags for hotel room bedtime cup of tea and then I eat super-simply...pretty much the same as described for next week except it isn't uncommon to have a bun-less burger and broccoli for lunch and dinner 2 or 3 days in a row. Boring perhaps but I am fed. I Love food, love sugar, love my wine so keeping it 'food as fuel' instead of 'food as fun' when I am traveling for work seems to help. 

Good luck to you as well!

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Sharon, I just finished dinner and am feeling really good! (I know day one isn't tough . . . but it's still nice to have it done!) I haven't been feeling great the past few weeks (non-descript viral or bacterial something). Anyway, I was just prescribed antibiotics today, but since I'd already decided to start, had gone shopping and done food prep, I wasn't going to change my mind! I'm hoping it doesn't derail me, though. Anyway, day 1 is done and now I'm doing the Whole29!!

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Hi all

Yesterday was my first day too - I did feel a bit hungry before bed but I'm not sure if it was just habit of eating something when I fancy it and grazing. I did do a workout this morning and haven't eaten yet until I get to work, I can't face eating pre WO as I do it as soon as I wake up. What did you have as post WO Itothek? Just on my way to work so here is to day 2!

Good luck everyone :)

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Congratulations on finishing Day 1 JennaKate and Angharadaj!!

JennaKate - you might consider adding a good probiotic to your diet along with the antibiotics to help keep your gut healthy and prevent nasty side effects like yeast infections 

Angharada - I work out on an empty stomach too and just eat a regular meal post WO; I am not a major athlete though (just a middle-aged scientist trying to fit in her pants each day LOL)

Here's to Day2 - we got this!

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Hi all

Yesterday was my first day too - I did feel a bit hungry before bed but I'm not sure if it was just habit of eating something when I fancy it and grazing. I did do a workout this morning and haven't eaten yet until I get to work, I can't face eating pre WO as I do it as soon as I wake up. What did you have as post WO Itothek? Just on my way to work so here is to day 2!

Good luck everyone :)

Skipping a preWO is fine provided you will ultimately be eating within an hour of wakening.

PostWO you should aim for a lean protein & starchy veg - chicken & sweet potato is the favourite options but you could go for tuna & any other starchy veg. A few bites of each will do. Avoid fruit for postWO as this will replenish liver glycogen stores when you want to be replenishing muscle glycogen, and also avoid fat immediately postWO as this will inhibit the body's ability to absorb the protein it requires.

Follow up your postWO meal with meal one as normal.

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Good morning, all! I'm the central time zone, so I'm just sitting down with my post-WO meal. For pre-WO, I had a hard boiled egg (peeled it yesterday) and a few cashews. I workout at 620am on MWF, so it was hard to wrap my head around eating first. I took it with me in the car and ate on my way out of the neighborhood (about 610am). Tomorrow, I workout at 945am, so I'm not sure when I will eat pre-WO for Tuesdays. 


I'm not sure if it was the protein/fat snack this morning or not having a 1/2 bottle of wine on board from the previous night, but I felt great during today's workout. It's Metabolic Conditioning week for me (Camp Gladiator), so it's an intense workout. I felt like a rock star - almost euphoric! I am fully prepared for a few rough days ahead, especially as I have some social, wine-drinky events this week. 


My post-WO meals are 1 cup of butternut squash and about 1.5 palms of baked chicken. I prepared everything for the week yesterday, and my portions are already in pyrex, ready to go in the fridge. I always eat a big breakfast after working out, but I'm having a hard time powering through this today. But I'm doing it! I will eat breakfast in another 3.5 hours or so. 


I hope everyone has a wonderful, satisfying day #2. Enjoy your day!



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Good morning everyone.  My name is Veronica.  I started yesterday too.  It went better than I thought.  I did get a "caffeine headach"  Not big on black coffee.  I did have some tea but not nearly as much caffeine as I am used too.  Found myself extremely tired and went to bed at 7:30.  Today has started out okay, energy level is pretty low.  Hoping that clears up in the next couple of days.  Just ate breakfast and feeling pretty full.  I hope everyone has a good day 2.

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Good morning, everyone! I'm mid-morning in (West coast time) and am feeling great! I'm guessing this won't be how I continue to feel for long, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts! Anyway, I'm off the find some compliant probiotics to go along with my antibiotics, and then will be headed to my daughter's school for her birthday time. I'm going to make sure I take good food with me so I'm not tempted. :). I hope you all are doing well.

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Ultimate Flora is my favorite probiotic - I use Critical Care when I need extra support (like when on antibiotics or after exposure to gluten (I have Celiac) and use the lower strength probiotic (Adult Care 15 billion) as my everyday probiotic. I credit probiotics with keeping me healthy - I rarely get colds or other common illnesses.

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Do either of you ladies know if that probiotic is safe while breastfeeding? And I'm assuming it's compliant . . .

I would never assume anything is compliant - always read the labels as ingredients can vary from region to region...

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How did Day 2 go for everyone? I stuck to the plan but ate too much fruit (3 servings). Tomorrow I will stick to 1-2 servings. My husband and I are driving 12 hours tomorrow so it will be interesting. I have food ready to put in the cooler for the drive. We went out to dinner tonight and I did okay - grilled mahi and grilled shrimp with just olive oil, salt and pepper, steamed broccoli and half a plain baked potato.

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Day 2 actually went better than I expected.  I am not as tired tonight as I felt last night.  and very pleased I don't have a "caffeine Headache" even though I only drank one cup of ice tea today.  Hope everyone had good day 2s.

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