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Anyone starting **tomorrow**, June14th??


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Day 2 went well for me, too, but I just realized (and I'm not sure how I'd missed it, but . . . ) that I need to be limiting my fruit! Oops! I haven't eaten anything that's not compliant, but today I had probably 5 (eek!) servings of fruit. So . . . I'll be changing that tomorrow. I may have a rough day three when I rein that in . . .

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Day 3 has started off pretty good for me.  I am not experiencing anything negative at the moment......however, the day is young :)  JennaKate I know how you feel about the fruit.  I love it and I have to fight the urge to eat too much of it myself.  Hope everyone has a successful Day 3!

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I am so tired!!! I slogged through my workout, and I can barely keep my eyes open. I'm not discouraged, but it is a bit of a downer after an awesome day two. The "Possible Side Effects" list in the The Whole 30 Daily is NO JOKE!!! I am hoping to score a nap here in a bit and fight to stay on course. I have eaten my pre- and post-WO meals, and I am cooking the Morning Mix from the It Starts With Food book for "breakfast" here in a bit.


Enjoy day 3, everyone! You've got this!!



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I too am feeling quite good.  I had a few brief moments of wanting a piece of fresh baked french bread today, but they passed quickly as I continued on working.  No headache today for the first time since starting.  Usually I am ready for bed right now and tonight I feel like i am going to be up for while longer.

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I am feeling good today. I had a very long day today, but I didn't have a single craving. When I got home from my 10-hour day, I immediately craved a cocktail or a glass of wine, but I think that was more out of habit than anything. It's not a true craving - a desire maybe? Regardless, I won't give in! I'm amazed that I'm not feeling any hunger or cravings. I'll take it! I'm tired today, but I think it's just from being on my feet all day (unusual for me). Skipping my Wednesday workout was smart, and I'm taking tomorrow off too. Sleep is my friend, I'm sure of it!


Keep strong, team!



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I can't believe it is day 6 already.  I am not experiencing an over abundance of energy yet, however, I before starting whole30, I would stumble into bed between 8 and 8:30 every night totally exhausted.  Since day 3 of the program I have been staying up until 10 - 10:30 and still not nearly as tired when I get in bed.  And I have been waking up feeling refreshed without the alarm clock by 5 am.  Before when I would wake up, I felt just as tired as when I went to bed.  So I am already benefiting and I haven't even gone thru 1 week yet.  Very encouraging for me.  Hope everyone has a great day!

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I'm feeling quite good today. I was hungrier yesterday than I had been and had some cravings in the evening, but didn't give in! I'm feeling pretty good today, although I was more tired this morning (new diet or being awakened by my child at 3:48??). Hoping the day gets a bit easier!

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As a math teacher, I wanted to let everyone know that once you're through day 6, you're 20% through the Whole 30!! :) Keep up the great work!

I'm grumpy today, but I'll take it. My stomach is feeling good, and I ventured out for my first meal away from the house. Got a veggie only salad and added my own hard-boiled eggs and dressing. It worked!

Enjoy your weekend.


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Hi everyone,

I am new to this thread, but i started my whole 30 the 13th so hopefully it is okay if I hop on here with you all! I am visiting some family in germany right now which makes staying compliant a bit trickier (I dont speak german). Things have been going well, but last night I just could not sleep- it was the strangest thing because i had a busy day and did a long run- so today I assume I will be sleepy and that could throw me off track very easily.

Just wanted to chime in for some accountability on that front.

The other thing that has been a challenge for me is after dinner snacking, but I have a few ideas of things to change- namely eating within one hour of waking up. I have been skipping breakfast due to sleeping in so I'm sure that is contributing to throwing me off.

I hope you all have a wonderful day 6/7! This might not be *hard* but it certainly is intentional and directed (which some people with little self-control could consider challenging ;))

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The other thing that has been a challenge for me is after dinner snacking, but I have a few ideas of things to change- namely eating within one hour of waking up. I have been skipping breakfast due to sleeping in so I'm sure that is contributing to throwing me off.

Yep, herein lies your problem - it's very difficult to come back from a poor start to the day, and eating within one hour of wakening is key to re-balancing your hormones - plus you're missing out on an entire meal so you're bound to be hungry later!

You know what you have to do!


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Hi everyone.  Just checking in at the close of day 7.  Whoo hoo, made it 1 whole week.  Feeling great!  Went to the movies today with the kids to see Inside Out.  Was worried that I would cave and eat the extra butter popcorn that I love so much at the movie theatre.  Stuck with my bottle of water and small snack bag of carrots.  Very proud of myself.  I hope everyone has had a successful week!

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Day 11 starting out feeling great.  My energy level has greatly improved in just this short period of time.  The greatest improvement I have had so far is that I usually take omeprazole twice a day for severe heartburn.  My doctor had told me I would have to take it for the rest of my life.  Well the last time I took it was Friday night, so this is day 5 with no medicine.  I had a little burning sensation after lunch yesterday, I had made the mexican tuna for lunch and the jalepeno bothered me for about an hour I'd say but it never got bad enough to take a pill.  Extremely happy about that.


Hope everyone has a great Day 11!

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Hi!! Today's day 12, right??! I feel like the days are crawling by!! July 14th can't get here soon enough!

I'm hungry today. First time, really. And thirsty...for wine!! I'm hoping to get in bed here in a bit to stave of the cravings!! 40% complete after today!! Hooray!

Keep up the good work, team!!

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Am I a day short???? If so, yay!! How exciting!!! I've been having a harder time the past couple days, too. I'm visiting my parents and they're having all sorts of things that hold special memory places in my heart (stomach??). I'm being strong, though!! We're getting there! :)

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It finally happened - FOOD DREAMS! Twice!! The first one was a blueberry muffin from Sr. Cecilia, my high school Chemistry and Physics teacher. The second was a beer at a bar. I woke up a bit after each, feeling incredibly guilty. Ha!! Hope everyone has a great day 13!!

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I had a food dream last night too.  Tomorrow is our company picnic and of course I happen to be in charge of the food and set up.  I dreamed that I absent mindly started munching on potato chips while I set up the tables.  Finished the bag before I knew it. OMG I have to keep as far away from the chips tomorrow as I can :)

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Vlp, I hope you made it through the company picnic. I have some challenges coming up this week too: a scheduled-well-in-advance wine night, family party, and 4th of July. Determined to stick it out, but booo! I've found myself bargaining a bit. Like "I'll stay whole 30 for food, but consume alcohol". That's not a good way to be thinking!! 13 days down...so close to halfway!!

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Happy "halfway after today" day! I hope everyone is having a great weekend! I wanted to check in on everyone's energy levels. I feel good. My stomach is definitely less bloated, etc. However, I'm not waking up to birds chirping or anything. I'm fine during the day, but I find myself dragging my butt out of bed still, even after 7-9 hours of sleep. Anyone else gotten to that "sweet spot" yet in that regard? I'm trying not to get discouraged, but I'd love to hear where everyone else is with that.


Just finished my menu for the week. Shopping list is made, so heading out in a bed. I've figured out how to do less prep, so it shouldn't be too terrible today. I'm going to try some version of sushi tonight. This recipe was in one of the Whole 30 posts this week. I'm not sure I'll be able to find the crab meat, but there's nothing wrong with veggie sushi either! :) http://www.primalpalate.com/paleo-blog/rice-free-sushi/


Enjoy your Sunday! 




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Whoo hoo, made it through my company picnic Saturday without one mishap.  I really really had to fight the urge of munching down on the Ruffles potato chips.  Salty chips is my weakness.  But I made some dip from the basic mayonaise and some balsalmic vinegar and a few seasonings and just munched on raw vegys.  Was so proud of myself.  Then yesterday went to Chili's restaurant, first adventure out to a restaurant.  Looked online ahead of time trying to figure out what to have.  Couldn't really find anything I was sure about so I just brought so compliant dressing in my purse and ordered a garden salad without croutons or cheese.  I did fine although the onion rings the other's in my party ordered sure smelled good.

Very happy to be half way through and still commited.  I am waking up completed rested which hasn't happened in years.  My energy level is staying pretty consistent all day.  I do find that in the evening if I just sit down to relax after dinner I seem to get instantly tired.  But if I pop up and do something on the commercials like start a load of laundry or put dishes away I stay energized. 

Keep going everyone - we can do it!

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Day 17 is going well! I felt so, SO sick yesterday. I went to bed Sunday night with a migraine. I woke up for my early morning workout yesterday, and had to come home and get back in bed. I'm not sure if I had a little touch of food poisoning or what, but I immediately wanted to fall back in to old habits: fried foods (chick-fil-a is always my migraine cure), booze, etc. But I stayed straight. :) I feel amazing today. Beast-ed through my workout without incident, and spent some time in the pool after (our fist time, which is ridiculous since it's been summer in Dallas for quite some time). I just made some egg salad with the homemade mayo - delicious!!! So I am hoping I am on par with the "magic" they keep telling me will happen!


Has anyone weighed themselves? I've moved the scale (we usually weigh each Monday morning), which has helped because I'm definitely curious. I had a weight goal for July 1st, so I think I'm going to weigh tomorrow and have my husband record it for me so I can see it on July 14th. :) My clothes fit better, and all the inflammation in my gut is gone, so I know this is working. I am feeling great!


Has anyone started thinking about day 31? I'm stressed about it a bit. I think I'm going to try to keep eating this way but include wine. :) I do feel really great, but we are 37 with no kids so pretty much all of our social experiences involve some sort of alcohol. That has been the hardest part by far for me. This has been good, though, and I think I will be a little more temperate with my drinking.


Enjoy day 17, everyone. I'm so glad we're all hanging in there!!!


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I have been thinking about Day 31 LK.  You know the whole30 book says if you don't miss it, don't add it back in.  There are a few things I miss but not enough to give up how good I have been feeling.  The only group of foods I am truly missing is dairy.  I think it is the only thing I am consciously going to try and add back in.  I miss coffee with cream and I LOVE cheese.  Problem is, I don't think cheese loves me.  I Have a very strong feeling I am going to find out just how much cheese does not love me.  Other than that, I can honestly say that on a daily basis, I could care less about pasta or beans.  I do miss bread in some situations but not as much as I thought I was going to.  And sugar is no longer at the top of my list anymore.  So I think I am going to be sticking close to approved foods most of the time!

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