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Can't find official July 1st Whole 30 thread


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So the email I got said to join the forum and post on the official Whole 30 July 1st thread, but I can't find it. Can anyone tell me where it is? That is when my husband and I plan on starting.

Also, if it is so hard to find what good will it do anyone? 

Here is what the email said:

"Join our Whole30 Forum and drop a comment on the July 1 thread in the "Join the Whole30" section. (We guarantee someone will start one between now and then--but if you're the first one there, go ahead and post!) Finding a Whole30 buddy and connecting with others on the same day as you can give you extra motivation and accountability to succeed."

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Guest Andria

So the way I am interpreting that is to find the July Whole 30 thread that someone will likely have started already, but if one is not there you can start one yourself.  There is not an *official* July Whole30.  That usually occurs in August.  When I do a search I found:




ETA: Sorry, meant to add that it really isn't hard to find once you know how to search the forum.  It is best to search from Google and type: Whole30 forum + topic of choice

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They are actually hosting a site-wide Whole30 starting on July 1st. You can join this thread. http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/28509-starting-july-1st/ (Andria, it was announced in Wholesome this week)

For your other questions, the Success Stories portion of this forum and the Testimonials portion of the Whole30.com website are where you would find people outlining what benefits they've achieved from doing Whole30. At least I think that's what you're asking?

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