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Meal photos on my blog


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Hi all,

I started my first Whole 30 on Monday (my husband is along for the ride, but isn't quite as committed as I am) and so far it is going great. I just came off of being mostly paleo for Lent followed by a week in which I let myself eat anything and everything I wanted. Needless to say I felt kind of gross by the end of last week. In fact, I started my Whole 30 a few days earlier than I had intended. I lost 20 pounds during Lent and gained 10 back last week (mostly water, I'm sure). I have at least 100 to lose so this really is mostly a weight loss effort and a chance to learn healthier habits.

Rather than keep a log here I am taking photos of my meals and posting them over at my blog: http://2012weekxweek.wordpress.com/ I'll still check in on the forum to get advice and inspiration from all of you.

Here's to a successful 30 days!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I just wanted to check in here to say my husband and I just finished day 21 of our Whole 30 and we're feeling great! I'm really starting to get the hang of meal planning and shopping, though my grocery bill is higher than I'd like. I guess we make up for a little bit of the extra expense by not eating out so much.

My main concern now is going to be how to continue these good habits when we're done. My husband really wants to get back to including bread in his diet but I'm just not feeling the need. I know the slippery slope from eating well to an all junk food diet is a short one for me, and I'm not willing to lose all of this progress.

I haven't craved any specific foods, but some days not stepping on the scale feels like an impossible feat. I know I'm losing weight. I can't wait to see how much!

I'll check back in when we're done with an update and some thoughts about what we've learned. For now I am still posting photos on my blog every day and I've planned out our whole last week's worth of meals. Should be smooth sailing to the weekend.

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