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Day 8 and BFing Twins

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Today is the end of day 8 for me and I am exclusively nursing 4 month old twins. I've noticed that they've stopped spitting up in just the past couple of days (they both spit up after every feeding previously). Is this possibly related to supply dropping or maybe they were sensitive to something I had been eating prior to Whole30? I've been eating 3 meals a day, but am hungry every night 3 hours after dinner. Is it OK then to eat a 4th meal?

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 I've been eating 3 meals a day, but am hungry every night 3 hours after dinner. Is it OK then to eat a 4th meal?


YES!!!!!  Especially for breastfeeding mothers, eating a 4th meal is frequently advised on this forum. In your case, since you're nursing twins, go for it!  Be sure you're also getting in carb-dense vegetables daily.

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Not only is it okay, it's STRONGLY encouraged that nursing moms eat four template meals a day. You need lots of nutrition and calories for both yourself and your little ones. If you're hungry, eat up!


As for the spitting up, I don't know that I've ever seen this linked to supply issues. Unless you've seen a decrease in the amount of wet and/or poopy diapers, your supply should be fine. And don't freak out if they decide to start nursing longer or more frequently. This has NOTHING to do with your supply and is just par for the course for a nursing infant.


I think your intuition is right in thinking that there was something you were eating that your little ones are sensitive to. After you complete your Whole30 and start doing reintroductions, you may be able to better guage what food or foods are the culprit by watching for what makes the little ones start spitting up again.

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