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New Beginnings


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I thought February 8 2011 would have been my new beginning. I thought that I was going to be set for life. I was. Initially. And when we moved all things changed. And so did I. I.stopped.caring. I once again "accepted" life as it was and never challenged myself to get back on track. When i finally decided to do something about my health again i went about it the wrong way, hence why i am feeling so bad about myself. I did it because i wanted to hear that i looked good and be encouraged by others. I should have focused solely on how i felt and not what others thought or did. A few days ago i was reading a blog that really hit home for me...it talked about making changes because i want them to happen. It said that compliments along with encouragement are nice to hear from others but it is more important to see and hear for myself.

That really struck a chord with me. I remember driving and sobbing and asking God to fill me up with a new outlook on my life and help me to stay focused. I prayed out loud. Almost shouting. For him to raise me up so i can be all that i see i can be, to look for myself the good in what I'm doing and see the changes myself. Looking in the mirror needs to be more of "you can do this, look how good your doing now imagine what next week will look like" instead of being a reflection of disappointment and self pity in that mirror! So I'd like to think that my 2011 weightloss was only the preface to what im about to embark on. That it wont be the end. That this will be my beginning. Why does it take so long to realize these moments? I appreciate this challenge. I appreciate words of encouragement i can honestly tell myself now. Prayers for your journeys! - Melissa

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Melissa, just know that God is in the disappointments as well as in the hope. Every moment is an opportunity to choose and allow forgiveness with no judgement for precieved mistakes. Just keep choosing what makes you feel better. I'm on day 9 . First week was ravenous and complient food wasn't satisfying but I'm starting to get the hang of it and I suggest the sauces help to make the food more interesting. Keep on moving forward girl!!!

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I have been there (and in some ways am still there).  I lost a lot of weight about 7 years ago, and I was feeling victorious!  I was powerful and making wise choices, I was disciplined and felt good and for the first time felt I really could do this.  As life continued, with it's many twists and turns, I slowly adopted bad habits, moving abroad really encouraged it...life was exciting and new and fun and I let myself overindulge, and it was also a lot of work and stressful and I felt overwhelmed and inadequate much of my first two years...and I let myself seek comfort and solace in food, rather than seeking God.  He has equipped me and prepared me for this life, and given me these opportunities...but when I worried, stressed, or felt lonely and depressed, it wasn't to Him that I turned.  And so, I added the weight back (+some :blink: ) over the past 4 years.  I've used excuses and blamed my lifestyle and job demands, I've blamed my stress and ministry work, I've made every excuse...and I have got to change that.  So, I've just stared this week in an effort to regain control of my life and experience freedom again.  And it's going to be a battle, but it's one we've been equipped to fight.  Take heart, be of good cheer, for we both can overcome this.  Praise God for His goodness, the way he works in our delights and in our pain/disappointment, and for His strength to live lives of self-discipline, joy, and victory.  May you experience this in the coming days.  I would love to hear more about your progress...we can do this!

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